170 Best Practice & Inititativen, 60 Netzwerke

Im Rahmen der Recherche für die Konferenz Geschlechtergerechtigkeit in Kultur & Medien Europas, die Themenauswahl sowie die Zusammenstellung der Panels wurden insbesondere sogenannte Best-Practice-Beispiele wie auch Initiativen und Frauennetzwerke, die sich Gender-Themen verschreiben, europaweit zusammengetragen.

Ziel war es, einen Überblick zu generieren und in einem eigens für die Konferenz angelegten Archiv konkrete sowie möglichst übertragbare Maßnahmen und Projekte vorzustellen. Die allen Konferenz-Gästen zur Verfügung gestellte Übersicht soll ein möglichst vielseitiges Bild für Handlungsoptionen aufzeigen, die zu mehr Geschlechtergerechtigkeit in Kultur und Medien führen können oder bereits führen.

Die einzelnen EU-Mitgliedstaaten, mindestens die Regionen, sollten sich in dem Archiv ausgewogen repräsentiert fühlen. Gleichzeitig wurde ein Schwerpunkt auf dem Standort Deutschland gesetzt, der sich aus dem Anlass der Konferenz ableitet. Ebenso sollten die verschiedenen Kultursparten möglichst gleichberechtigt dargestellt werden, wobei auch hier entsprechend des Konferenz Programms ein Schwerpunkt auf Darstellende Künste, Musik und Literatur gesetzt wurde.

Das Archiv setzt sich nun aus über 170 Best-Practice Beispielen und 60 Netzwerken zusammen, davon insgesamt 150 auf internationaler oder europäischer Ebene. Die Zusammenstellung aller Beispiele erfolgte ohne methodologische Begrenzung und erhebt keinen Anspruch auf Vollständigkeit. Nicht zuletzt sind weitere Hinweise auf entsprechende Best-Practice-Beispiele, Netzwerke oder Initiativen herzlich willkommen. Richten Sie diese gerne an Dr. Cornelie Kunkat (Projektbüro für Frauen Kultur & Medien beim Deutschen Kulturrat: c.kunkat@kulturrat.de). Das Archiv wird bis Ende 2020 unter diesem Link weiter zugänglich sein und dann auf die Website des Deutschen Kulturrates übertragen werden.

English version

As part of the research for the conference Gender Equality in European Culture, the topic selection and the composition of the panels, European-wide best-practice examples, as well as initiatives and women’s networks which advocate for topics of gender were gathered.

The aims were to gain an overview and to present concrete and transferable actions and projects in the archive that was created specifically for this conference. This overview, which is open to all conference guests, should provide a diverse view of courses of action which will lead, or already leads, to more gender equality in culture.

The individual EU member states, at least the regions, should feel equitably represented in the archive. At the same time, a focus was put on Germany due to the occasion of the conference. Similarly, the display of various cultural sectors will be well-balanced, but according to the conference’s program, there was an emphasis on performing arts, music and literature.

The archive is composed of 170 best-practice examples and 60 networks – 150 of the networks and best-practice examples are on an international or European level. The examples were composed without methodological limitations and do not raise any claim to completeness. Last but not least, further suggestions for best-practice examples, networks or initiatives are welcome. Please refer to Dr. Cornelie Kunkat (Project “Women and Culture in German Media” at the German Cultural Council: c.kunkat@kulturrat.de).

The archive will be accessible via this link until the end of the year, and will then be transferred to the website of the German Cultural Council.





Czech Republic






























Other sectors

EU Level: Institutions

Reports and Studies






FIFTITU% is an initiator, activist, partner and supporter and sees itself as an open and innovative association that closes the common link between experimental regional culture and contemporary art. In process-oriented cooperation with women * unite and with the inclusion of current, site-specific cultural work, art and cultural projects are realized that achieve a high level of sustainability. Many of the achievements in Upper Austria that are taken for granted today would not have existed without FIFTITU%, for example the inclusion of quota regulations in the promotion of art and culture, the creation of regular women’s reports in the field of culture or the anchoring of women’s political demands in the cultural development plans of the province of Upper Austria and the cities of Linz and Steyr.

FIFTITU% ist Initiator*in, Aktivist*in, Partner*in und Unterstützer*in und versteht sich als offener und innovativer Verein der die gemeinsame Klammer zwischen experimentierfreudiger Regionalkultur und Gegenwartskunst schließt. In prozessorientierten Kooperationen mit Frauen*vereinen und unter Einbeziehung aktueller ortsspezifischer Kulturarbeit werden Kunst- und Kulturprojekte verwirklicht, die eine hohe Nachhaltigkeit erreichen. Viele heute selbstverständliche Errungenschaften in Oberösterreich hätte es ohne FIFTITU% nicht gegeben, beispielsweise die Aufnahme von Quotenregelungen in der Kunst- und Kulturförderung, die Erstellung von regelmäßigen Frauenberichten im Kulturbereich oder die Verankerung frauenpolitischer Forderungen in Kulturentwicklungsplänen des Landes Oberösterreich und der Städte Linz und Steyr.

#Austria #Best-Practice


WE:Shape aims to bring together musicians from all genres in order to create a support system for freelancers who are the subject of institutional discriminations on the basis of race, gender, class, ethnicity, age, ability, religion, and sexuality both in the industry and education system.

#Austria #Music #Jazz #Network

Frauen*Tag Graz

The alliance 0803 * is organizing a long night for International Women’s Day together with the team from the Schauspielhaus Graz. Das Bündnis 0803* gestaltet gemeinsam mit dem Team des Schauspielhaus Graz eine Lange Nacht zum Internationalen Frauen*tag.

#Austria #PerfomingArts #Best-Practice


WE:Shape aims to bring together musicians from all genres in order to create a support system for freelancers who are the subject of institutional discriminations on the basis of race, gender, class, ethnicity, age, ability, religion, and sexuality both in the industry and education system.

#Austria #Music #Jazz #Network

If She Can See It, She Can Be It

The Screenwriters Forum Vienna has launched a two-stage competition encouraging authors to create stories with unusual and willful female lead characters.

#Austria #Film #Best-Practice

Smashing Wor(l)ds: Cultural Practices for re/Imagining & un/Learning Vocabularies

Smashing Wor(l)ds: Cultural Practices for re/Imagining & un/Learning Vocabularies aims to engage with vocabularies, languages, and narratives of resistance in order to build new forms of expressions against an epistemic violence of growing levels ingrained in our vocabularies.

#International #Best-Practice

FC Gloria

FC GLORIA does not see itself as an association in the usual sense, but as a group of women from various areas of the film industry who have set themselves the goal of actively supporting and strengthening each other and female filmmakers in general.

FC GLORIA versteht sich nicht als Verband im üblichen Sinne, sondern als Gruppe von Frauen aus verschiedensten Bereichen der Filmbranche, die es sich zum Ziel gesetzt haben, einander und weibliche Filmschaffende im Generellen aktiv zu unterstützen und stärken.

#Austria #Network #Film

Film Institut- Gender in equality

The Austrian Film Institute is the largest funding institution for film in Austria.

#Austria #Film #Institut

“more women, more money”

In Austria, successful films by female directors receive 10% more automatic support from the Austria Film Institute. In addition, if a project is supported by the Institute in the production phase, and if this project presents a significant number of women-occupied positions in the executive department, the production company will be given an extra grant of €30.000, which can be used for the development of a new project with the corresponding proportion of women-occupied positions in the team.

#Best-Practice #Austria #Film


female:pressure is a transnational online database for database and network of women*, AFAB, transgender, transfeminine, transmasculine, intersex (+gender optional), genderqueer, gender nonconforming, a-gender or/and non-binary DJs, musicians, composers, producers, visual artists, agents, journalists and researchers working in the realms of electronic music and digital arts. It can be searched after criteria like location, profession, style or name and is a publicly accessible source of information, a tool to disclose the existence and the work of women* in this seemingly male dominated field.

#Network #Austria #Music



ENGAGEMENT is an artist-led movement tackling sexual harassment, sexism and abuse of power in the Belgian arts field.

#Initiative #Dance #Belgium


The Association des Centres Culturels de la Communauté Française de Belgique, a regional network gathering all French-speaking cultural centres in Belgium tested a pilot programme to help non-profits improve gender equity inside their organisation. Their process shows an outward ripple effect (starting with an internal self-diagnosis on gender inequalities inside the network’s coordination office, then data-gathering within the network, then experience-sharing with network members and the larger sector, then an awareness campaign in comics form directed towards the sector, and finally a memorandum co-written with partner organisations and directed towards policymakers).

#Belgium #Network #VoicesofCulture

The Brussels Binders

The Brussels Binder is the go-to resource for improving gender balance in policy debates. The Brussels Binder is a common good – a free database consisting of profiles of women experts based in Europe. It covers a multitude of sectors and it is constantly growing. Finally, it is a place where women experts connect and exchange.

#Belgium #VoicesofCulture #Network



The Bulgarian Platform of the EWL was formed in 2005 and brings together women’s organisations and non-governmental organisations in Bulgaria, including small rural organisations.

#Network #Bulgaria #EIGE


Vox Feminae Festival

Vox Feminae Festival is an international festival held annually, since 2007, in Zagreb, Croatia.
It was founded with the aim to promote and increase the visibility of women’s artistic achievements through the international competition film program, exhibitions and performances as well as workshops and educational content.

#Festival #Croatia #Film

Fierce Women

Card game that promotes and inspires great contributions of women to society.

#Croatia #Best-Practice

Czech Republic


Each activity year there is a commitment to select for the 16-member strong SHAPE platform in total 48 emerging or underrated artists. Of those 48 artists, each individual SHAPE member organisation would present 9 individual artists or 9 performances/works. That is, in total 144 individual artists or performances would be presented throughout an activity year.

#CzechRepublic  #Platform #Music


Manus Festet

Several initiatives have also been launched to raise awareness of gender stereotypes in Danish films and TV series. In one notable case, the Danish Playwrights’ and Screenwriters’ Guild (Danske Dramatikere) got the public’s attention with ManusFestet85, a satirical guide pointing out 40 gender clichés in Danish films and TV series.

Best-Practice #Denmark #AudioVisual


Contest for family-friendly firms

The competition raises awareness of family-friendly corporate culture, and gives welcome publicity to the winners. Companies are evaluated both by their management and their employees through a company employee survey and a report from the company. Three awards are made each year, to the overall winner, the family-friendliest company and the employee-friendliest company. The initiative has had an impact by promoting good practices in companies and in public places like museums, events and cafés.

Best-Practice #Estonia #Parenting #eige


WIFT- Women in Film & Television Finland

Women in Film & Television Finland is a politically independent, cultural and professional not-for-profit organization whose purpose is to promote its members’ professional activities, education, professional achievements, networking, and to act as a promoter of Finnish film, television and the moving image culture from the gender equality perspective.

#Finland #FilmAndTelevision #Network #VoicesofCulture       


IN FOCUS incubator was sparked off based on research findings that reveal that female filmmakers’ projects tend to be hindered after the initial script development phase. In Finland, where the film industry is mainly financed by non-recoupable public funding, on average only 24% of the funding is granted to the production of female-originated films. These findings, which prove there is no equal access for women into the film industry by any standards, sparked off a countermeasure, a comprehensive script and project development incubator based on gender equality and diversity.

#Finland #Film #BestPractice #VoicesofCulture #Incubator      


Action! promotes the employment of female professionals in the audiovisual field, develops measures to remove obstacles and supports women’s employment in the sector. Over the past few years, it has become clear that gender equality in the Finnish audiovisual industry is realized poorly or not at all. Inequality is an obvious barrier and women’s unused creative and professional competence is an untapped potential.

#Finland #Film #BestPractice #VoicesofCulture #Incubator    

Culture for All Service

The Culture for All Service works with the whole arts and culture center to promote equality, accessibility and diversity. Culture for All is a unique organization in Europe. Unique due to the fact that we are mainly funded by the state, but also due to our role as a mediator between the cultural field and NGOs.

#Finland #Network #Best-Practice    


Mussila was founded in 2015 by Margrét Júlíana Sigurðardóttir with the aim of rethinking musical education with new technologies and making it accessible to everyone.

#Best-Practice #Musik #FemaleEntrepreneurship #Finland   


The mentorship program assists women during their professional career in the audiovisual industry. The program supports the individual development of the women and teaches them to sharpen their working methods, change attitudes and pushes them for new direction. The mentors are experienced professionals already established in the industry, they are both women and men, who are good at coaching the mentees who are at a career crossroads.

#Finland #Mentoring #VoicesofCulture


AWARE: Archives of Women Artists, Research and Exhibitions

AWARE: Archives of Women Artists, Research and Exhibitions is a non-profit Association.Since its creation in 2014, AWARE has worked to make women artists of the 20th century visible, producing and posting free bilingual (French/English) content about their work on its website.

#Best-Practice #France #Archives #International

Charters for gender equality in museum practices

For the first time in France last year a grouping of three museums from the town of Rouen has elaborated and adopted a charter for gender equality of museum practices. The charter includes 20 engagements, reflecting the concerns and goals of classic institutions, which have collections where gender disparities are acute and which wish to change their museum practices. This includes a new policy for acquisitions of women artists and authors, but also interestingly “During monographic exhibitions, do not hide in the biography of artists and personalities, any proven facts of sexual or sexist violence”.

Full text in French:
#Best-Practice #France #Museum #VoicesofCulture

Charta zur Gleichstellung von Männern und Frauen im Orchester

In July 2018, the French Association of Orchestras and the Employers‘ Association in the field of music makers adopted recommendations and presented them to the public, which should help to bring about equality between women and men in the entire field of musical life as quickly as possible. The charter is available at the following internet address.

Im Juli 2018 haben die Französische Vereinigung der Orchester sowie der Arbeitgeberverband im Bereich der Musikschaffenden Empfehlungen beschlossen und der Öffentlichkeit vorgelegt, die dazu beitragen sollen, möglichst rasch eine Gleichstellung von Frauen und Männern im gesamten Bereich des Musiklebens herbeizuführen. Die Charta ist unter folgender Internetadresse abrufbar:

Full text in French:
#Musik #Best-Practice #Frankreich

EWA Women

EWA NETWORK – organises a specific film mentoring programme aimed at women cinema producers who already have relevant experience at national level and wish to evolve further to a European / international dimension.

Full text in French:
#Netzwerk #Frankreich #Film #VoicesofCulture

Les Internettes

Les Internettes is an initiative dedicated to women who feed the YouTube game with talent!

#Digital #Best-Practice #France

Maillon: Theatre of Straßburg – European Stage


IWPA is an unique organisation for promoting the visibility of female photographers, as there is a strong gender imbalance in this sector. It is the only organisation in Europe which focus goes beyond the national border; our scope is international.

#France #Photography

Cultural heritage and related professions: French Observatory on Gender Equality

The mission of the Observatory’s annual publication, published each year on the occasion of the International Women’s Rights Day, is to increase awareness for the situation of women by providing objective measurement of their harder access to employment, management positions, creative and production resources and reputation. The observatory has been part of the French ministry of culture since 2013. The observatory report itself is not a goal or target but rather provides a tool to measure targets set by governing bodies for example.

#Best-Practice #France #Report #Panteia


The Cercle de Recherche Inter­dis­ci­pli­naire sur les Musi­ciennes (Inter­dis­ci­pli­nary Research Group on Female Musi­cians) was laun­ched in 2010 by a net­work of musi­co­lo­gists, socio­lo­gists and his­to­rians with the aim of brin­ging toge­ther, deve­lo­ping and heigh­te­ning the pro­file in France of research acti­vi­ties into female musicians.

#France #Music #Research


Deutscher Kulturrat

Der Deutsche Kulturrat e.V. ist der Spitzenverband der Bundeskulturverbände. Er ist der Ansprechpartner der Politik und Verwaltung des Bundes, der Länder und der Europäischen Union in allen die einzelnen Sparten (Sektionen) des Deutschen Kulturrates übergreifenden kulturpolitischen Angelegenheiten. Ziel des Deutschen Kulturrates ist es, kulturpolitische Diskussion auf allen politischen Ebenen anzuregen und für Kunst-, Publikations- und Informationsfreiheit einzutreten.

The Deutsche Kulturrat invites representatives of all female associations of the CCS to regularly meet at the Deutsche Kulturrat for networking. Within these networking meetings, association representatives exchange market knowledge and ideas for potential cooperations and synergies.

#Network #Germany #VoicesofCulture


Das Projektbüro „Frauen in Kultur & Medien“ des Deutschen Kulturrates bietet seit 2017 ein bundesweites Mentoring-Programm für Frauen an, die eine Führungsposition im Kultur- und Medienbereich anstreben und auf mindestens zehn Jahre Berufserfahrung zurückblicken.

#Best-Practice #Germany #Leadership #Mentoring #VoicesofCulture

Deutscher Kulturrat: Mentorship Program The Deutsche Kulturrat runs a mentoring
programme for the CCS, to particularly empower women to benefit from the knowledge and network of more senior peers.

Project office for Women in Culture and Media. The Project office is in charge of publications and studies, supporting networking initiatives for women in culture and media, the creation of a committee on gender equality inside the German Culture Council, as well as the establishment of a pilot mentoring programme between 2017 and 2020. The aims of the programme are strategic career counselling, practical support, the positioning of mentees in the cultural community and the establishment of an alumni network.

NEROPA – Gender & Diversity Tool

NEROPA Neutrale Rollen Parität wurde von der Schauspielerin Belinde Ruth Stieve als Methode zur Erhöhung des Frauenanteils in Drehbüchern und Theaterstücken und zur Vergrößerung der Diversität in der Besetzung entwickelt, sowie zur Sensibilisierung und Schärfung des Bewusstsein der Beteiligten. NEROPA ist eine geschützte Marke, die auch in anderen Branchen einsetzbar ist.

NEROPA Neutral Roles Parity was developed by Belinde Ruth Stieve as a method to increase the proportion of women and encourage diversity in film projects onscreen and to sensitize and raise awareness among those involved. NEROPA is a protected brand and can also be used in other industries, as a bridge from present day gender imbalance to a multifaceted future onscreen.

Interview: Gründerin Belinde Ruth Stieve und Deutscher Kulturrat (Dr. Cornelie Kunkat): “Muss diese Figur männlich sein? Geschlechtergerechtigkeit in Fernsehen und Kino”
#Best-Practice #Germany #Film #DeutscherKulturrat

Wertebasiertes Verhaltenscodex des Deutschen Bühnenvereins

The Deutsche Bühnenverein (German Stage Association) is the advocacy and employer organization of theaters and orchestras. In 2018, the Bühnenverein passed a “values-based code of conduct for the prevention of sexual assault and abuse of power.” This code was passed on to the member organizations who then develop it individually. As a further step towards equality, the Bühnenverein want to implement gender parity in all Group Boards and all committee positions in the foreseeable future.

Der Deutsche Bühnenverein ist der Interessen- und Arbeitgeberverband der Theater und Orchester. Der Bühnenverein hat 2018 einen „Wertebasierten Verhaltenskodex zur Prävention von sexuellen Übergriffen und Machtmissbrauch“ verabschiedet, den die Mitgliedstheater und -orchester in ihren Häusern kommunizieren und individuell weiterentwickeln werden. Als weiteren wesentlichen Schritt in Richtung Geschlechtergerechtigkeit beschloss der Bühnenverein, eine paritätische Besetzung aller Gruppenvorstände und Gremienpositionen in absehbarer Zeit umzusetzen.

#Best-Practice #Germany #PerformingArts

Dramaturgie-Netzwerk | Netzwerk Ensemble

The aim is enabling and opening up constant exchange and networking around the field of work of dramaturgy. It sees itself as a think tank for a municipal theater of the future and pledges to follow up the thinking part with political-theatrical activism. They want to stand up for solidarity, codetermination and team work, and they want to improve the structures of publicly-funded theatrical institutions, as well as the concrete working conditions of theater artists, especially dramaturgs.

Das Ziel ist es, regelmäßigen Austausch und Vernetzung rund um das Arbeitsfeld Dramaturgie zu ermöglichen und für alle Interessierten offen zu sein. Es sieht sich als „Think Tank“ für ein Stadttheater der Zukunft und beteuert, dem Denken theaterpolitischen Aktivismus folgen zu lassen. Sie möchten für Solidarität, Mitbestimmung und Teamarbeit eintreten und somit sowohl die Strukturen der öffentlich geförderten Theaterinstitutionen als auch die konkreten Arbeitsbedingungen von Theaterschaffenden, insbesondere die von Dramaturg*innen, in diesem Sinne verbessern.

#Network #Germany #Theatre

50-Prozent-Quote beim Berliner Theatertreffen

For the first time, in 2020, there is a women’s quota of at least 50 percent at the Berliner Theatertreffen. The head of this new kind of Berliner Festspiele, Yvonne Büdenholzer, has continuously advocated for gender equality since the beginning of her work in 2012.

Beim Berliner Theatertreffen gilt im Jahr 2020 erstmalig eine Frauenquote von mindestens 50 Prozent. Die Leiterin dieses Formats der Berliner Festspiele, Yvonne Büdenhölzer, hat sich seit Beginn ihrer Tätigkeit 2012 kontinuierlich für Geschlechtergerechtigkeit eingesetzt.

Interview: Yvonne Büdenhölzer und Deutscher Kulturrat (Dr. Cornelie Kunkat): ”Zur Hälfte Jubel, zur Hälfte Kritik”
#Best-Practice #Germany #Film #DeutscherKulturrat

50 Prozent

50 Prozent dokumentiert, dass und wie sehr Frauen* als Rednerinnen bei Konferenzen, Podien, bei Talk-Shows und anderen öffentlichen Veranstaltungen unterrepräsentiert sind. Rednerinnen und Redner werden pro Veranstaltung gezählt und als Prozent-Anteil veröffentlicht.

Within the project 50%, voluntary participants account for the number of women on panels, shows, boards etc. to monitor the difference between male and female inclusion on public panels. The aim is to reach 50%.

#Best-Practice #Germany #VoicesofCulture


The project #frauenzählen looks at the visibility of women in literature, i.e. reviews, media, school curriculums, etc. This is entirely carried out by volunteers.

Das Projekt #frauenzählen befasst sich mit der Sichtbarkeit von Frauen in der Literatur, d. h. Rezensionen, Medien, Lehrplänen usw. Dies wird ausschließlich von Freiwilligen durchgeführt.

#Best-Practice #Germany #VoicesofCulture #Literature #Media

Pro Quote Film

Pro Quote Film – is a political movement for a gender equal, diverse society. We ask for more women in front and behind the camera. The Association Pro Quote Film carried out a study that led to a public outcry and many policy changes within state institutions and companies.

Pro Quote Film – ist eine politische Bewegung für eine gleichberechtigte, vielfältige Gesellschaft. Wir fordern mehr Frauen vor und hinter der Kamera. Pro Quote Film führte eine Studie durch, die zu einem öffentlichen Aufschrei und vielen politischen Änderungen innerhalb staatlicher Institutionen und Unternehmen führte.

#Best-Practice #Germany #VoicesofCulture #Film

ProQuote Regie

ProQuote Regie ist eine Gleichstellungsinitiative in der Film- und Fernsehbranche, die von über 370 Regisseurinnen in Deutschland initiiert wurde. Ziel der Initiative ist eine geschlechterparitätische Besetzung von staatlichen Filmfördergremien und die Erhöhung des Anteils von Regisseurinnen am deutschen Fernsehprogramm und an deutschen Filmproduktionen. Für Deutschland fordert ProQuote Regie eine umfassende soziologische Studie zu Werdegang und beruflicher Situation von Regisseurinnen, sowie zur Vergabepraxis von Sendern und Fördergremien unter Gendergesichtspunkten. Darüber hinaus soll eine paritätische Besetzung der Entscheidungsgremien aller Filmförderungen und eine Quote für die Vergabe von Regieaufträgen im Fernseh- und Filmbereich erreicht werden. Der Stufenplan dazu lautet: 30 Prozent in 3 Jahren, 42 Prozent in 5 Jahren und 50 Prozent in 10 Jahren.

ProQuote Regie („ProQuota Direction“) is an initiative for equality in film and TV and was founded by more than 370 female directors in Germany. The goal of the initiative is a gender-balanced line-up of all public film funding institutions, and the increase of female directors in the German television program and German film production. In Germany, ProQuote demands a broad sociological study about the careers and the professional situation of female directors, as well as the way _____ . Additionally, a gender-balanced staffing of decision-making bodies of all film funding institutions should be reached. The step-by-step plan is 30% in three years, 42% in five years and 50% in 10 years.

#Best-Practice #Germany #film

Pro Quote Bühne

Pro Quote Bühne ist eine wachsende Gruppe von Bühnen-Regisseur*innen und anderen Theaterschaffenden in Deutschland, die sich für eine paritätische Besetzung stark macht. Der Verein fordert eine 50%ige Frauenquote in allen künstlerischen Theater-Ressorts und wird mit diesem Anliegen von zahlreichen Menschen aus Kunst, Politik, Medien und Gesellschaft unterstützt. Ein veröffentlichtes Manifest gibt Auskunft über die Zielsetzungen des Vereins.

ProQuote Bühne (ProQuota Stage) is a growing group of stage directors and other theater professionals in Germany who advocate for equal opportunity. The association demands a 50% women’s quota in all artistic theater departments, and is supported by various people from the arts, politics and media. A public manifesto shows the goals of the association.

#Best-Practice #Germany #PerfomingArts

Filmfest Frauen Welten in Berlin

Since 2001, TERRE DES FEMME has been organizing the annual Filmfest FrauenWelten (WomensWorlds) which focuses on human rights situation of women all over the world. Over 30 current short and feature films, as well as documentaries, from more than 20 countries highlight women’s rights in various cultures and open up new perspectives to the approximately 4.000 viewers.

Seit 2001 veranstaltet TERRE DES FEMMES jährlich das Filmfest FrauenWelten, das die Menschenrechtssituation von Frauen weltweit in den Fokus rückt. In über 30 aktuellen Kurz-, Spiel- und Dokumentarfilmen aus mehr als 20 Ländern stehen  Frauenrechte in verschiedenen Kulturen im Mittelpunkt und eröffnen den rund 4.000 ZuschauerInnen neue Perspektiven zu den entsprechenden Themen.

#Film #Best-Practice #Germany

Mörderische Schwestern

Mörderische Schwestern e. V. setzt sich das Ziel, die von Frauen verfasste deutschsprachige Krimiliteratur zu fördern. Die rund 500 Autorinnen aus mehreren europäischen Ländern unterstützen sich gegenseitig in allen schriftstellerischen Bereichen rund um den Krimi. Ob klassische Arbeit am Text, Tipps zu Veröffentlichungsmöglichkeiten, Fachfragen zu Forensik, Rechtlichem oder dem Erfahrungsaustausch, die Mörderischen Schwestern helfen sich untereinander soweit es geht. Hinzu kommt ein verstärktes politisches Engagement des Vereins in den letzten Jahren, vor allem zu Fragen des Urheberrechts. Seit einigen Jahren vergeben die Mörderischen Schwestern ein Arbeitsstipendium in Höhe von 1.500 Euro für Autorinnen deutscher Sprache in der Spannungsliteratur, da es gerade Frauen sind, die durch Alters- oder Aufenthaltsbeschränkungen keine Chancen haben, an klassischen Stipendienausschreibungen teilzunehmen. Das Stipendium der Mörderischen Schwestern bietet die Chance, der unterrepräsentierten deutschen Kriminalliteratur von Frauen in Verlagshäusern, im Buchhandel und bei Preisvergaben eine Stimme zu geben. Des Weiteren verleiht das Netzwerk seit 2009 alle drei Jahre »Die goldene Auguste« an eine Person, die sich um den von Frauen geschriebenen Krimi verdient gemacht hat. Zuletzt erhielt 2015 Nina George den Preis aufgrund ihres Engagements unter anderem für die Rechte der Autorenschaft in der Buchbranche und für das Urheberrecht in der digitalen Gesellschaft. Einmal im Jahr treffen sich die Mörderischen Schwestern in Deutschland zur Vollversammlung. Hinzu kommen Aktivitäten vor Ort in den »Regiogruppen«, wo Lesungen organisiert, Fachtreffen und Besichtigungen veranstaltet oder Schreibwochenenden abgehalten werden.

Mörderische Schwestern e.V. („Murderous Sisters“) aims to support German female crime thrillers. Approximately 500 female authors from various European countries support each other in all areas of the thriller-writing, whether editing, giving advice on publishing or answering technical questions about forensics or law. Additionally, the association has been politically engaged in the last years, especially regarding questions of copyright law. For a few years, Mörderische Schwestern has been awarding 1.500€ grant for women authors who write crime thrillers in German. It is often women who, because of constraints through age or restrictions on residence, are ineligible for traditional grants. The Mörderische Schwestern grant amplifies the voices of underrepresented German crime literature by women within publishing houses, the book trade and award ceremonies. Moreover, every three years the network awards the „Die goldene Auguste“ prize to someone who supports women in crime literature. In 2015, Nina George received the award for her engagement for copyright law in the digital realm. Once a year, the Mörderische Schwestern meet up for a plenary assembly in Germany, where public readings and specialized meetings are held, and where writers‘ weekends and tours are organized.

#Literatur #Germany #Best-Practice

Autorinnenvereinigung e.V.

Die Autorinnenvereinigung ist das einzige internationale, Genre-übergreifende Netzwerk für Schriftstellerinnen, die in deutscher Sprache schreiben und publizieren. Das Netzwerk setzt sich für mehr weibliche Präsenz in der Literatur ein. Es fördert Autorinnen, fordert aber auch mehr Selbstbewusstsein von ihnen. Der Verein kürt regelmäßig eine Autorin des Jahres, zuletzt die Schriftstellerin Marion Tauschwitz; außerdem vergibt er in unregelmäßigen Abständen ein Projektstipendium. Der internationale Verein führt jährlich den Goldstaub-Wettbewerb in den Genres Prosa und Lyrik durch. Darüber hinaus unterstützt die Autorinnenvereinigung Autorinnentreffen, Diskussionen, Lesungen und Weiterbildungen. Regionale Autorinnentreffen, vor allem in Berlin, Düsseldorf oder München, stellen die bundesweite Möglichkeit dar, sich mit anderen Schriftstellerinnen und Autorinnen zu verbinden, über Projekte zu diskutieren und Erfahrungen mit Verlagen sowie Lektoren und Agenturen auszutauschen.

Authorinnenverinigung („female authors‘ association“) is the only international cross-genre network for female authors who publish and write in German. The network advocates for higher female presence in literature. It supports female authors and asks them for more self-confidence. The association annually elects a female author of the year, the most recent of which was Marion Tauschwitz. Moreover, the association irregularly awards grants for projects. The international network annually holds the Goldstaub-Wettbewerb (Gold Dust Competition) in the genre prose and poetry. Furthermore, Autorinnenvereinigung supports meetings of female authors, discussions, readings and trainings. Regional meetings of female authors, for example in Berlin, Düsseldorf or Munich, offer opportunities to connect with other authors and writers, discuss projects and exchange experiences with publishing houses, editors and agents.

#Literature #Germany #Network

Frauenkulturbüro NRW

The Frauenkulturbüro NRW e.V. (Women’s Culture Bureau) increases the visibility of artistic contributions made by women in North Rhine-Westphalian. In 1991, we advocated for equal opportunity for female artists. We become active where theory seeks practical implementation. Our areas of activity include all levels of cultural promotion in North Rhine Westphalia.

The Frauenkulturbüro NRW e.V. office is a forum and network for women artists and at the same time carries out support measures. The regular funding programs include the NRW Female Artist Prize, the “On-site Presence: Female Artists with Children” scholarship program and the “International Exchange for Female Artists with Georgia and Armenia”. In addition, individual projects are also implemented, such as the congress »Women in Labor Market Culture«.

Die Angebote des Frauenkulturbüros NRW e.V. richten sich an nordrhein-westfälische Künstlerinnen aller künstlerischen Sparten. Das Frauenkulturbüro ist Forum und Netzwerk für Künstlerinnen und führt zugleich Fördermaßnahmen durch. Die regelmäßigen Förderprogramme umfassen den Künstlerinnenpreis NRW, das Stipendienprogramm »Präsenz vor Ort: Künstlerinnen mit Kindern« und den »Internationalen Austausch für Bildende Künstlerinnen mit Georgien und Armenien«. Daneben werden auch einzelne Projekte umgesetzt wie z. B. der Kongress »Frauen im Arbeitsmarkt Kultur«. Die Fördermaßnahmen können dabei unterschiedlichste Formen annehmen: Hearings, Symposien, Salons, Kunst- und Kulturmessen, Kunstausstellungen, Kataloge, Lesungen, Atelierbesuche, Künstlerinnengespräche, Konzerte, Filmpräsentationen und andere Formate werden genutzt.

#Best-Practice #Germany

Archiv Frau und Musik

Seit 1978 besteht der internationale Arbeitskreis »Frau und Musik e.V.« mit Vereinssitz in Kassel und dazugehörigen Archiv in Frankfurt am Main. Er ist ein Zusammenschluss von Komponistinnen, Musikerinnen, Musikwissenschaftlerinnen, Musikpädagogen, Musikinteressierten und -ausübenden aus zahlreichen Ländern. Sowohl die Situation der Frau im heutigen Musikleben, als auch das weibliche Musikschaffen in der Vergangenheit sind im Betrachtungsfeld des Arbeitskreises. Er fördert die Integration der Frau in möglichst vielfältige musikalische und kulturpolitische Organisationen und Institutionen. Der Verweis auf die mangelnde Präsenz von Komponistinnen, Dirigentinnen, Orchestermusikerinnen, Musikwissenschaftlerinnen und Professorinnen im Musikleben wird in den Medien, durch Kongresse und Konzertveranstaltungen angebracht. Der internationale Arbeitskreis »Frau und Musik« verfügt zudem über ein Archiv, das sich für Interpretinnen, Wissenschaftlerinnen, Journalistinnen und Studentinnen als wichtigste Anlaufstelle erwiesen hat.

„Frau und Musik e.V.“ (Woman and Music) exists since 1978 as an international work group, with a seat in Kassel and an archive in Frankfurt am Main. It is an international association of female composers, musicians, musicologists, music educators and those interested in or making music. The work group focuses on the situation of women in today’s music scene, as well as the role of female musicians in the past. It promotes the integration of women is many different musical or cultural-political organizations and institutions. The media, conferences and concerts point to the absence of female composers, conductors, orchestral musicians, musicologists and professors of music. Moreover, „Frau und Musik“ has an archive which has become an important point of contact for female interpreters, scientists, journalists and students.

#Best-Practice #Music #International #Research

Heriones of Sound

The Heroines of Sound Festival has set itself the task of (re)discovering female protagonists in music and increasing the public presence of their music. The goal of all Heroines events is to make the works of women pioneers of electronic music accessible to a wider public.

Das Heroines of Sound Festival hat es sich zur Aufgabe gemacht, weibliche Protagonistinnen in der Musik (wieder) zu entdecken und die öffentliche Präsenz ihrer Musik zu erhöhen. Ziel aller Heroines-Veranstaltungen ist es, die Werke von Pionierinnen der elektronischen Musik einer breiteren Öffentlichkeit zugänglich zu machen.

#Music #Best-Practice #Germany

Festival Insert Female Artist

INSERT FEMALE ARTIST is an interdisciplinary literature festival that deals with the position of female authors.

INSERT FEMALE ARTIST ist ein interdisziplinäres Literaturfestival, das sich mit der Lage der Autorin auseinandersetzt.

#Literatur #Germany #Best-Practice

Schamrock Festival

The only festival for female lyricists in the world

Das einzige Festival für Lyrikerinnen weltweit.

#Literatur #Germany #Best-Practice#


BücherFrauen e.V. ist ein Branchen-Netzwerk, das 1990 nach dem Vorbild der englischen Women in Publishing in München gegründet wurde. Das Branchen-Netzwerk vereint die Interessen von rund 950 Frauen, die angestellt oder freiberuflich mit Büchern zu tun haben. Die bundesweit in Regionalgruppen organisierten BücherFrauen bestimmen die Schwerpunkte ihrer regelmäßig stattfindenden Treffen eigenständig: von Fachvorträgen zu Berufsbildern und -themen bis hin zu berufsbezogenen Fragen wie Altersversorgung, Arbeitsorganisation, Gehaltsverhandlung und internen Stammtischen. Des Weiteren bringen die »Mentoring-Projekte« in mehreren Regionalgruppen weibliche Nachwuchskräfte mit Führungsfrauen zusammen. Über einen begrenzten Zeitraum wird die junge Kollegin von der berufserfahreneren Mentorin beraten und in ihrer beruflichen Entwicklung unterstützt. Ein Forum für den fachlichen Austausch schaffen, Fortbildungen anbieten, »Seilschaften« bilden, also Kontakte schaffen und ggf. Jobs und Aufträge vermitteln, vor allem aber frauenspezifische Interessen in der Buchbranche vertreten, gehören zu den Säulen des Netzwerks.

BücherFrauen e.V. („BookWomen“) is an industry network that was founded in 1990, modelled on the Munich version of the English Women in Publishing. The industry network combines the interests of approximately 950 women who work with books either as freelancers or hired. The national organization is divided into regional groups, and it independently determines the focus of the regularly-held meetings: specialist lectures with regards to the business, as well as business-related questions, for example pension schemes, labor organization or salary negotiations. Moreover, „Mentoring Projects“ bring together young female talents and leading women in the field. The younger colleague will be guided and supported by the professionally experienced mentor over a set time frame. The pillars of the industry network include putting women into contact with each other, place them with jobs or assignments, and especially, to represent women’s interests in the book industry.

#Literatur #Germany #Best-Practice#

And She Was Like: BÄM!

And She Was Like: BÄM! is a queer-feminist initiative which is active in the realm of art and design, and advocates for (self-)education events, dialog for self-determination, equality and solidarity.

And She Was Like: BÄM! ist eine queer-feministische Initiative, die im Bereich Kunst und Design agiert und sich mit Formaten und Veranstaltungen zu (Selbst-)Bildung und Austausch für Selbstbestimmung, Gleichberechtigung und Solidarität einsetzt.

#Initiative #Germany


Co-Creation space for visionary women.

#Germany #Best-Practice #Entrepreneurship

Stadt der Frauen

Festival for arts and theater, music and performance, dance and literature, discourse and parade.

Festival für Kunst und Theater, Musik und Performance, Tanz und Literatur, Diskurs und Parade

#Festival #Germany

Music Women Germany

Music Women Germany is the first nationwide network for all music women* in Germany. No matter whether artist, business, media or tech – from the conductor, manager, entrepreneur, musician, producer to technician, all women in the music industry should be offered qualifications, networking, presence, participation and empowerment. Music Women Germany was founded as an independent umbrella organization of the 16 regional networks (partly in the process of being founded) to promote, network and make women in the music industry visible, as well as existing networks in Germany. Also on board is the first nationwide database of all music women.

Music Women Germany ist das erste bundesweite Netzwerk für alle Musikfrauen* in Deutschland. Egal, ob Artist, Business, Media oder Tech – von der Dirigentin, Managerin, Unternehmerin, Musikerin, Produzentin bis zur Technikerin, allen Frauen aus der Musikbranche soll Qualifikation, Vernetzung, Präsenz, Teilhabe und Empowerment geboten werden. Als unabhängige Dachorganisation der regionalen 16 Ländernetzwerke (teilweise in Gründung) wurde Music Women Germany zur Förderung, Vernetzung und Sichtbarmachung von Frauen in der Musikwirtschaft, aber auch bestehenden Netzwerken in Deutschland gegründet. Mit an Bord ist auch die erste bundesweite Datenbank aller Musikfrauen.

#Database #Network #Best-Practice #Germany


Berlin: https://musicbwomen.de/
Baden-Württemberg: https://musicbwwomen.de/
Niedersachsen: https://musikland-niedersachsen.de/ueber-uns/blog/
Nordrhein Westfalen: https://musicnrwwomen.2ix.de
Bayern: http://musicbywomen.de/music-women-netzwerke/
Hamburg: https://musichhwomen.de/


Womenize! highlights and documents success stories, connects people and puts a spotlight on the diverse talent that exists within the games industry. Womenize! is an event series for women and under-represented people in the games or tech industry, including HR & culture managers, decision makers, institutions and multipliers.

Womenize! hebt Erfolgsgeschichten hervor und dokumentiert sie, verbindet Menschen und beleuchtet die vielfältigen Talente der Spielebranche. Womenize! ist eine Veranstaltungsreihe für Frauen und unterrepräsentierte Personen in der Spiele- oder Technologiebranche, einschließlich Personal- und Kulturmanager*innen, Entscheidungsträger*innen, Institutionen und Multiplikator*innen.

#Best-Practice #Germany #Game

Internationales Frauenfilmfestival Dortmund | Köln

The international Frauenfilmfest (Women’s Film Festival) Dortmund | Cologne is held annually and alternatingly in Cologne and Dortmund.

Das Internationale Frauenfilmfestival Dortmund | Köln findet in jährlich wechselndem Rhythmus in den Städten Köln und Dortmund statt.

#Germany #Best-Practice #Film

100% Directors

The head of the Badische Staatstheater in Karlsruhe, Anna Bergmann, included 100% female theater directors in the 2019/2020 program.

Am Badischen Staatstheater in Karlsruhe setzte die Leitung Anna Bergmann in der Spielzeit 2019/2020 100% Regisseurinnen auf den Spielplan.

#Germany #Initiative #Theatre


The conference and magazine for more women in media and politics.

Die Konferenz und jetzt auch das Magazin für mehr Frauen in Medien und Politik.

#Germany #Conference

Women in Jazz

Women in Jazz is a jazz festival where only female jazz musicians perform. The festival is held annually in Halle since 2006.

Women in Jazz ist ein Jazzmusik-Festival, bei dem ausschließlich Musikerinnen auftreten, oder von ihnen maßgeblich bestimmte Jazzprojekte präsentiert werden. Das Festival findet seit 2006 jährlich in Halle statt

#JAZZ #Festival #Germany

Joint declaration on equality for women in jazz

#Petition #Jazz #Best-Practice #Germany

Mädchen* mit Flügeln Holla e.V. (Köln)

With the project „Girls * with wings“ Holla e.V. wants to strengthen the media skills of girls * and young women * between 11 and 21 years, make their experiences and perspectives visible on the Internet and build a strengthening community.

Mit dem Projekt „Mädchen* mit Flügeln“ will Holla e.V. insbesondere mediale Kompetenzen von Mädchen* und jungen Frauen* zwischen 11 und 21 Jahren stärken, ihre Erfahrungen und Perspektiven im Internet sichtbar machen und eine stärkende Community aufbauen.

#Germany #Empowerment #Media #Filia

Projekt: Sisters* – solidarische Mädchenarbeit in Brandenburg“ Hochdrei e.V.

The “Sisters*” project aims to bring girls* and young women* together on the subject of networking and empowerment in the state of Brandenburg. The aim of the project is to research “what is there for girls in Brandenburg”. To do so, girls* a. o. conduct interviews, produce, create and edit media themselves (text / photo / video blog format). A protected space is to be provided for girls* with refugee experience and the nationwide networking of girls* with one another is to be promoted.

Das Projekt „Sisters*“ möchte Mädchen* und junge Frauen* zum Thema Vernetzung und Stärkung im Land Brandenburg zusammenbringen. Das Ziel des Projekts ist die Recherche zu „was gibt es in Brandenburg für Mädchen“. Dafür möchten Mädchen* u. a. Interviews führen, Medien selbst produzieren, erstellen und bearbeiten (Text-/Foto-/Video-Blogformat). Es soll ein geschützter Raum für Mädchen* mit Fluchterfahrung geboten und die landesweite Vernetzung der Mädchen* untereinander gefördert werden.

#Germany #Empowerment #Media #Filia

Mehr Öffentlichkeit für die Mädchenredaktion! Mädchenredaktion der Hörfunk- und Projektwerkstatt Leipzig e.V.

The girls in the girls‘ department make their opinions audible – now they want to make them visible too. So that they can reach even more people with their messages against sexism and stupid body images, they want to learn to design stickers graphically and to distribute these stickers. It is important to them to show other people that girls make radio shows where they talk about their own concerns and interests, and they want to reach out to other girls to let them know how to make radio themselves.

Die Mädchen der Mädchenredaktion machen ihre Meinung hörbar – nun möchten sie sie auch sichtbar machen. Damit sie noch mehr Leute mit ihren Botschaften gegen Sexismus und doofe Körperbilder erreichen können, möchten sie lernen, Sticker grafisch zu gestalten, und diese Sticker verbreiten. Es ist ihnen wichtig, anderen Menschen zu zeigen, dass Mädchen Radiosendungen machen, in denen sie über ihre eigenen Belange und Interessen sprechen, und sie möchten andere Mädchen erreichen, um sie zu informieren, wie man selbst Radio machen kann.

#Germany #Empowerment #Media #Filia #radio

Featuring Females* – Mädchen und Frauen in der Musikszene Kulturraum e.V. Leipzig

Girls can assert themselves in the field of the electronic music scene – both in the production of electronic music, as a visual artist or DJ, in organizing events or looking after lighting and sound technology! In addition, 10 girls and women between 13 and 25 years of age receive support from the professionals from Feat.Fem in four workshops. The Featuring Females* series is first about women in club culture. “If cultural production is shaped by male tastes and perceptions, you have to counter this with something. I do think that women sometimes choose a different expression and address other things in their music and art, ”says Emilia from Feat.Fem.

Mädchen können sich im Feld der elektronischen Musikszene behaupten – sowohl bei der Produktion von elektronischer Musik, als auch als Visual Artist oder DJ, bei der Veranstaltungsorganisation oder Betreuung von Licht- und Tontechnik! Dazu bekommen 10 Mädchen und Frauen zwischen 13 und 25 Jahren hier in vier Workshops die Unterstützung der Profis von Feat.Fem. Es geht bei der Featuring Females*-Reihe erstmal um Frauen in der Clubkultur. „Wenn Kulturproduktion von männlichem Geschmack und Wahrnehmungen geprägt ist, muss man dem auch etwas entgegensetzen. Ich denke schon, dass Frauen teilweise einen anderen Ausdruck wählen und andere Sachen in ihrer Musik und Kunst thematisieren.“, so Emilia von Feat.Fem.

#Germany #Festival #Music #Filia


Awareness of the negative impact of advertising, products and policies that stereotype.

Pinkstinks ist eine Protest- und Bildungsorganisation gegen Sexismus und Homofeindlichkeit. Menschen sind mehr als Pink und Blau. Deshalb kritisieren wir starre Geschlechterrollen in Medien und Werbung und zeigen auf, dass es vielfältiger geht. Wie? Mit einem Online-Magazin, Bildungsarbeit in Kitas und Schulen und reichweitenstarken digitalen Kampagnen.

#Germany #Best-Practice #VoicesofCulture

Der goldene Zaunpfahl

Negative pricing for the worst advertising / products that negatively stereotype.
Der Wink mit den Goldenen Zaunpfahl richtet sich an Unternehmen und ihre Marketingabteilungen und will sie zu intelligenteren und innovativeren Strategien zur Vermarktung ihrer Produkte anstiften. Er fordert außerdem Verbraucher*innen dazu auf, sich häufiger gegen einengende Rollenvorgaben zu wehren und ihre Einkaufsmacht aktiv dafür einzusetzen, dass einfallsloses Gender-Marketing regelmäßig zu Ladenhütern führt. Der Negativpreis für absurde Auswüchse des Gendermarketing wird seit 2017 jährlich öffentlich verliehen.

#Germany #Best-Practice #VoicesofCulture

EWVA Equality for Women in Visual Arts

EWVA ist eine offene Initiative, die einlädt, im Bereich der Bildenden Kunst die Präsenz von Frauen zu überprüfen. Eine Art freiwillige Selbstkontrolle, das eigene Handeln zu beobachten und so aktiv die Situation zu verändern. Wir glauben, dass eine Stärkung des Bewusstseins von der aktuellen unbefriedigenden Situation für Frauen in der Bildenden Kunst die Voraussetzung dafür ist, eine Verbesserung in Richtung Geschlechtergerechtigkeit in Gang zu setzen.

EWVA is an open initiative that invites you to review the presence of women in the visual arts. A kind of voluntary self-control to observe one‘s own actions and to actively change the situation. We believe that raising awareness of the current unsatisfactory situation for women in the fine arts is the prerequisite for launching an improvement in the direction of gender equality

#Best-Practice #VisualArts #Germany

POSTERWOMXN (@posterwomxn) • Instagram photos and videos

Posterwomxn is a platform to amplify the visibility of womxn and non-binary poster designers.

Posterwomxn ist eine Plattform, um die Sichtbarkeit von Frauen* und nicht-binären Poster-Designern zu verbessern.

#Best-Practice #Design #Germany


Das Goldrausch Künstlerinnenprojekt bietet Bildenden Künstlerinnen ein umfassendes Programm zur Professionalisierung. Ein einjähriges Postgraduiertenseminar vermittelt berufsspezifische Kenntnisse, die für die komplexen Erfordernisse einer selbständigen künstlerischen Tätigkeit notwendig sind. Insofern wendet sich das Programm an Bildende Künstlerinnen, die ihre Ausbildung abgeschlossen und erste Berufserfahrungen erworben haben. Es gibt keine Altersbeschränkung, die Teilnahme ist Dank Förderung durch den Berliner Senat und den Europäischen Sozialfond (ESF) kostenfrei.

Ziel des Goldrausch Künstlerinnenprojektes ist es, die jeweils 15 Teilnehmerinnen in ihrer erfolgreichen Berufstätigkeit zu unterstützen – durch die Aneignung von Wissen und Kompetenzen im Kursprogramm sowie durch eine öffentlichkeitswirksame Präsentation der künstlerischen Arbeit und gezielte Netzwerkbildung.

Die Anwendbarkeit auf die jeweiligen künstlerischen Strategien und damit die Entwicklung individueller Handlungsperspektiven für den beruflichen Werdegang stehen ebenso im Fokus wie das selbstbewusste Agieren der Künstlerinnen in Kunstöffentlichkeit und Kunstmarkt.

Goldrausch Künstlerinnenprojekt „Goldrausch Female Artists Project“ offers professionalization programs for female visual artists. A one-year postgraduate seminar provides the specialized knowledge that is necessary for the complex professional life of a freelance artist. The program addresses female visual artists who completed their training and who have gathered first work experiences. There are no age restrictions and the participation is free, thanks to the support of the Berlin Senate and the European Social Fund (ESF).

Goldrausch’s Female Artists Project aims to support fifteen participants in their respective professional careers through transmitting knowledge and competencies in the course program, as well as public presentations of the artistic work and focused networking opportunities.

There is a focus on the practical applicability of the respective artistic strategy and thus, the development of individual career perspectives, as well as the female artists‘ confidence within the art public and the art market.

#Best-Practice #Germany #FineArt

MUGI: Music education and gender research/ Musikvermittlung und Genderforschung

Continuation and further development of gender research in Europe and its anchoring in the music and cultural studies discourse.

Fortführung und Weiterentwicklung der Genderforschung in Europa und ihre Verankerung im musik- und kulturwissenschaftlichen Diskurs.

#Best-Practice #Germany #Research

EAF Berlin

Die EAF Berlin begleitet Organisationen in Veränderungsprozessen hin zu mehr Vielfalt in Führung. Als unabhängige Forschungs- und Beratungsorganisation arbeitet sie an der Schnittstelle von Politik, Wirtschaft und Wissenschaft. Die EAF Berlin berät zu den Themen Vielfalt und Chancengleichheit, Karriere und Führung, Vereinbarkeit und Resilienz sowie Demokratie und Partizipation. Sie konzipiert und realisiert praxisnahe Forschungsprojekte sowie innovative Programme und Trainings zur Personal- und Organisationsentwicklung.

EAF Berlin supports organisations in changing processes for more diversity in leadership. With innovative programs for personnel and organisational development, it supports managers and junior managers. EAF Berlin offers advice on diversity and equal opportunities, careers and leadership, work life balance and resilience as well as democracy and participation.

#Germany #Best-Practice #Mentoring


WIR MACHEN DAS ist 2015 aus einem Netzwerk von 100 Frauen aus Kunst und Kultur, Wissenschaft, Journalismus und öffentlichem Leben unter dem Träger wearedoingit e.V. entstanden. Als gemeinnützige Organisation setzen wir uns in verschiedenen Projekten im Bereich Kultur und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit erfolgreich für die Anerkennung von Diversität, Stärkung und Partizipation im Kontext von Flucht und Migration ein.

WIR MACHEN DAS (WE ARE DOING IT) arose from a network of 100 women from arts and culture, science, journalism and public life under the association wearedoingit e.V. in 2015. As a non-profit organisation we use various projects in the fields of arts and public relations to advocate for support, participation and the recognition of diversity in the context of refugee movements and migration..

#Germany #Network

Forschungszentrum Musik und Gender

Hanover University of Music and Theater
The establishment of the Research Center for Music and Gender was a pioneering step for the institutional establishment and consolidation of gender studies in musicological research and teaching.

Hochschule für Musik und Theater Hannover
Die Gründung des Forschungszentrums Musik und Gender war ein zukunftsweisender Schritt für die institutionelle Etablierung und Verstetigung der Gender Studies in der musikwissenschaftlichen Forschung und Lehre.

#Germany #Research #Music

Sophie Drinker Institut

The Sophie Drinker Institute was founded in 2001 as an independent research institute. In the first years of its existence, it specialized in musicological research on women and gender, and has since expanded its field of work to include cultural-historical aspects of music history.

Das Sophie Drinker Institut wurde 2001 als freies Forschungsinstitut gegründet. In den ersten Jahren seines Bestehens auf musikwissenschaftliche Frauen- und Geschlechterforschung spezialisiert, hat es inzwischen seinen Arbeitsbereich um kulturgeschichtliche Aspekte der Musikgeschichtsschreibung erweitert.

#Germany #Research #Archive


Muwigender is the egroup of the women’s and gender studies section of the Society for Music Research. It serves the communication between everyone who works in the field of musicological women and gender studies / gender studies or is interested in this work.

Muwigender ist die egroup der Fachgruppe Frauen- und Genderstudien der Gesellschaft für Musikforschung. Sie dient der Kommunikation zwischen allen, die im Bereich der musikwissenschaftlichen Frauen- und Geschlechterforschung/gender studies arbeiten oder sich für diese Arbeit interessieren.

#Germany #Research #Archive

musica femina münchen e.V.

The aim of our association is to make the proportion of women composers – from the past and present – known in musical life and to make their works accessible to a broader public. Since 2003, musica femina münchen (mfm) ​​has been awarding composition commissions to contemporary female composers every two years.

Ziel unseres Vereins ist es, den Anteil von Komponistinnen – aus Vergangenheit und Gegenwart – im Musikleben bekannt und ihre Werke einer breiten Öffentlichkeit zugänglich zu machen. Seit 2003 vergibt musica femina münchen (mfm) im zweijährigen Rhythmus Kompositionsaufträge an zeitgenössische Komponistinnen.

#Germany #Best-Practice #Music


“Unfortunately, there are not enough good women, they were really looking for them”, it always rattles from the mouths of the booking and organizers, when you ask why it is unfortunately only men on your stages, podiums, in your games and remove it from the consoles. The first festival has a line-up that was 100 percent women, non-binary and transgender. No more compromises, no closer, no more: just do it. We want to show that a cultural and political offer can do very well even without the dominance of Cismänner, that it also needs to function, is of quality, works and releases new dynamics.

„Es gibt halt nun mal leider nicht genug gute Frauen, wir haben wirklich gesucht“, krakeelt es stets aus den Booking- und Veranstaltermündern, spricht man sie darauf an, weshalb es leider mal wieder nur Männer auf ihre Bühnen, Podien, in ihre Listen und an die Pulte geschafft haben. Das erste Festival stellte ein Line-Up auf, das zu einhundert Prozent aus Frauen*, nichtbinären Personen und Transgender bestand. Keine Kompromisse mehr, kein Annähern, kein Ding: Es einfach mal machen. Wir wollen zeigen, dass ein kulturelles und politisches Angebot sehr gut auch ohne die Dominanz von Cismännern auskommt, selbstverständlich auch funktioniert, Qualität besitzt, vielseitig ist und neue Dynamiken freisetzt.

#Germany #Best-Practice #Music

Verband unabhängiger Musikunternehmer*innen e. V. (VUT)

Der Monitoringbericht des Bundesministeriums für Wirtschaft und Energie von 2013 mit seinen Daten zu Frauen in der Musikwirtschaft gab den Ausschlag für die Gründung von Music Industry Women. Die Musikwirtschaft lag mit ihrem Frauenanteil von 42,9 Prozent im Bereich Tonträger und Musikverlage zwar im Mittelfeld der Kultur- und Kreativwirtschaft, ein Blick auf die Führungsebene offenbarte jedoch ein großes Ungleichgewicht und die Unterrepräsentation von Frauen. Seit 2015 besteht daher Music Industry Women, ein Netzwerk für Frauen in der Musikwirtschaft innerhalb des Verbandes unabhängiger Musikunternehmen e.V. (vut). Das Netzwerk wurde gegründet, um mehr Sichtbarkeit und Mitgestaltung von Frauen in der Musikbranche zu erreichen. Ein besonderes Augenmerk liegt dabei auf Frauen in Führungsverantwortung und als Gründerinnen. Dazu wurde ein Mentoring-Programm ins Leben gerufen, dessen bereits zweite Runde im Herbst dieses Jahres startet. Darüber hinaus versteht sich Music Industry Women als Plattform für Vernetzung, Austausch und Weiterbildung.

Music Industry Women was founded in response to the 2013 monitoring report by the Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology which laid bare the data for women in the music industry. Although the music industry has a female share of 42,9% in the category phonogram and music publishing, women at the executive level are severely underrepresented. Thus, Music Industry Women exists since 2015 within the Verband Unabhängiger Musiker e.V. „vut“ (Association of independent musicians), offering a network for women in the music industry. The network was founded to enhance female visibility and active participation in the music industry. A mentoring program focuses specifically on women in leading positions and women as founders. Beyond this, Music Industry Women understands itself as a platform for networking, exchange and training.

#Germany #Network #Music

Erich Pommer Institut

Das Erich Pommer Institut (EPI) ist einer der führenden Weiterbildungsanbieter in der deutschen und europäischen Medienlandschaft und ein unabhängiger Branchen-Think Tank.

Mit medienrechtlicher und wirtschaftlicher Expertise begleitet das EPI in vielfältigen Formaten und Publikationen den Prozess des digitalen Wandels in der Medienbranche.

The Erich Pommer Institute (EPI) is one of the leading providers of advanced training in the German and European media landscape and a recognised industry-specific think tank.

With its expertise in media law and management and with a variety of formats and publications, the EPI supports the on-going process of digital transformation in the media industry.

#Germany #Network #Music

sparkx – Das Leadership-Programm für Frauen in Medienunternehmen

Das Programm ist auf drei Jahre angelegt und richtet sich an Unternehmen aus der Medienbranche, also Film, TV, Radio, Publishing, IT, Games und Musik. Ziel ist es, Frauen in Medienunternehmen in ihren Karrieremöglichkeiten zu fördern und ihre Positionen nachhaltig zu verbessern. Die teilnehmenden Unternehmen entsenden jeweils eine Frau aus dem mittleren Management und eine/n Personalverantwortliche/n in gesonderte Weiterbildungsmaßnahmen. sparkx geht es um das Empowerment von Frauen und gleichzeitig soll das Thema Gleichstellungsmanagement nachhaltig im Unternehmen verankert werden. Die Unternehmen profitieren von der Erschließung des unternehmensinternen Potentials, der stärkeren Bindung der Mitarbeiterinnen und der Steigerung der Arbeitgeberattraktivität. Um den flexiblen Veränderungen der Berufswelt gerecht zu werden, sind gemischte Führungsteams nachweislich unabdingbar. sparkx unterstützt Medienunternehmen dabei mehr Frauen in Führung zu bringen.

The program aims at companies from the media industry, i.e. film, TV, radio, publishing, IT, games and music. The goal is to support women in media companies in their career opportunities and to improve their positions in the long term. The participating companies each send a woman from middle management and a human resources officer to separate further training measures. sparkx is about the empowerment of women and at the same time the topic of equality management should be anchored in the company in the long term. The companies benefit from the development of the company’s internal potential, the stronger loyalty of the employees and the increase in employer attractiveness. In order to cope with the flexible changes in the professional world, mixed management teams are demonstrably indispensable. sparkx supports media companies in getting more women into leadership.

#Germany #Leadership #Network #Best-Practice

shift|F – Innovations- und Changemanagement für Frauen* in Medienunternehmen

EAF Berlin supports organisations in changing processes for more diversity in leadership. With innovative programs for personnel and organisational development, it supports managers and junior managers. In order to successfully master the digital transformation in the German media industry, more mixed management teams are needed to initiate, design and support innovation processes. But women are still underrepresented in management positions. This is where shift | F comes in.

Die EAF Berlin begleitet Organisationen in Veränderungsprozessen hin zu mehr Vielfalt in Führung. Als unabhängige Forschungs- und Beratungsorganisation arbeitet sie an der Schnittstelle von Politik, Wirtschaft und Wissenschaft. Um die digitale Transformation in der deutschen Medienbranche erfolgreich zu meistern, braucht es mehr gemischte Führungsteams, die Innovationsprozesse initiieren, gestalten und begleiten. Doch nach wie vor sind Frauen* in Führungspositionen unterrepräsentiert. Hier setzt shift|F an.

#Germany #Leadership #Best-Practice

StaRQ: Standards, Richt­linien und Qualitäts­sicherung für Maßnahmen zur Ver­wirk­lichung der Ge­schlech­ter­ge­rech­tig­keit in der Wissen­schaft

Das Onlineportal StaRQ bietet Recherchetools und Informationen zum Thema Qualitätssicherung von Gleichstellungsmaßnahmen und dient als virtuelle Plattform zur Förderung des Austausches und der Vernetzung. Nähere Informationen zum Projekt finden Sie hier. Das Portal wurde vom Kompetenzzentrum Frauen in Wissenschaft und Forschung (CEWS) als Teil des BMBF geförderten Projektes „Standards, Richtlinien und Qualitätssicherung für Maßnahmen zur Verwirklichung der Geschlechtergerechtigkeit in der Wissenschaft“ (StaRQ) aufgebaut, welches zur Qualitätssicherung von Gleichstellungsmaßnahmen forscht und vernetzt.

The online portal StaRQ provides search tools and information on the topic of quality assurance of gender equality measures and serves as a virtual platform to promote exchange and networking. Further information on the project is available here. The portal was created by the Center of Excellence Women and Science (CEWS) as part of the BMBF-funded project „Standards, Guidelines and Quality Assurance for Gender Equality in Academia“ (StaRQ), which conducts research on quality assurance of gender equality measures.

#Germany #research #Best-Practice


The Federal Conference of Women’s and Equal Opportunities Representatives at Universities (bukof) is the gender-political voice in science and university policy discourse. In the bukof everyone is connected who shape the structure and culture of universities in Germany in a gender-equitable manner.

Die Bundeskonferenz der Frauen- und Gleichstellungsbeauftragten an Hochschulen (bukof) ist die geschlechterpolitische Stimme im wissenschafts- und hochschulpolitischen Diskurs. In der bukof sind alle verbunden, die Struktur und Kultur von Hochschulen in Deutschland geschlechtergerecht gestalten.

#Germany #research #Best-Practice

Geschäftsbereich Gleichstellung beim Vizepräsidenten für wissenschaftlichen Nachwuchs und Gleichstellung: Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena

Datenbanken zur Recherche von Wissenschaftlerinnen

Databases – female scientists

#Germany #research #Best-Practice

Netzwerk GenderConsulting in Forschungsverbünden

The network GenderConsulting in research associations is an association of equality actors who are involved in gender consulting and the development and realisation of equality measures for research associations and universities.

Das Netzwerk GenderConsulting in Forschungsverbünden ist ein Zusammenschluss von Gleichstellungsakteur_innen, die mit GenderConsulting sowie mit der Entwicklung und Umsetzung von Gleichstellungsmaßnahmen für Forschungsverbünde an Hochschulen befasst sind.

#Germany #research #Best-Practice

Safe The Dance

Even in 2020, sexism, violence, racism and discrimination are an everyday experience at many events. We believe that all events should have individual awareness concepts and teams so that every person attending can feel safe and welcome. Our multi-perspective, intersectional and interdisciplinary team is the best prerequisite for a detailed examination of this topic and the development of multi-layered, individual recommendations for action for events or organisations. Awareness & Safer Space Policies for events & organisations.

Auch 2020 sind Sexismus, Gewalt, Rassismus und Diskriminierung erlebter Alltag auf vielen Veranstaltungen. Obwohl immer mehr Veranstalter*innen reagieren und “Awareness-Konzepte” einführen, um “Safe(r) Spaces” zu kreieren, setzen sich trotzdem bislang noch viel zu wenige mit diesem Thema auseinander oder es fehlen ihnen die notwendigen Informationen und Tools. Hier will “Safe The Dance” aktiv werden und diese Lücke schließen.

#Germany #Dance #Best-Practice


Warum gibt es nach wie vor so wenige Intendantinnen? Wie bekommt man als junge Regisseurin den Fuß in die Bühnentür? Wie können sich Frauen in Theaterberufen besser vernetzen? Diese Fragen stellten im Januar 2015 Frauen aus der Theaterpraxis, der Wissenschaft und der Kulturpolitik im Rahmen des Symposium Theater.Frauen an der Freien Universität Berlin. Im Anschluss fiel der Entschluss, Theater.Frauen zu einer Plattform zu machen, über die sich Frauen vernetzen, austauschen und ihre Ideen teilen können. Ziel ist es, dass Frauen im Theater sowohl auf beruflicher Ebene gleichgestellt werden, als auch inhaltlich genauso vielseitig repräsentiert werden wie die männlichen Kollegen. Theater.Frauen ist somit eine Community, in der tolle Stücke und Produktionen von/mit/über interessante Frauen vorgestellt werden, in der man sich Rat einholen kann, Probleme diskutiert, Mentorinnenschaften geknüpft, Jobangebote geteilt werden können usw.

Why are there still so few female artistic directors? How does one, as a young female filmmaker, get a foothold in the film industry? How can women get better networking opportunities? Women in theatre, dramatics and cultural politics asked these questions during a symposium Theater.Frauen (Theatre.Women) at the Freie Universität Berlin. Subsequently, it was decided to make Theater.Frauen a platform for women to network and exchange ideas. Its aim is the equal opportunity for women on a professional level, as well as female representation on a content-level. Thus, Theater.Frauen is a community which presents plays and productions by/ with/ about interesting women, where one can get advice, discuss problems, find female mentors, share job opportunities etc.

#Germany #Network #PerfomingArts

Digital Media Women e.V.

Mit der Gründung 2010 hat sich der Verein das Ziel gesteckt, die Sichtbarkeit von Frauen in der Digitalbranche zu erhöhen und sich für eine gleichberechtigte Teilhabe einzusetzen. Das Netzwerk soll den Frauen den Rücken stärken und durch Gespräche mit anderen Frauen ihr Selbstbewusstsein aufbauen. Der Verein möchte Frauen, die in der Digitalbranche arbeiten, miteinander vernetzen. Dazu gehört auch die Kooperation mit anderen Initiativen aus Wirtschaft und Politik, um frühzeitig Frauen und junge Mädchen für Technologie zu begeistern und zu mündigen Diskussionspartnern zu machen. Es geht dem Verein um Diversität und Vielfalt und zwar überall: auf Podien, bei Veranstaltungen und in Unternehmen. Daher sind die Digital Media Women auch ein Verein, der Männer nicht ausschließt, sondern begrüßt. Eine Tätigkeit in der Medienbranche soll keine Voraussetzung für die Teilhabe an dem Verein sein, denn Digitalisierung berühre im Grunde alle. Es können sich alle engagieren und angesprochen fühlen, die sich mit dem digitalen Wandel beschäftigen, denn mit seinen neun Standorten deutschlandweit steht der Verein Interessierten zur Seite.

In 2010, when the association was founded, Digital Media Women decided to aim for visibility of women in the digital sector, and to advocate for equal participation. The network wants to connect women working in the digital sector. This includes cooperating with different political and economic initiatives to encourage women and girls to get invested in technology, and to prepare them for mature and competent discussions early on. The association cares about diversity in all branches: on the podium, at events and in companies. Thus, Digital Media Women does not exclude men but welcomes them. Members do not have to work in the media industry since digitalization affects everything. All those who deal with digital transformation can engage since the association, with its nine German locations, will assist anyone who is interested.

#Germany #Network #DigitalSector

designerinnen forum

Das designerinnen forum e.V. ist ein Zusammenschluss von Designerinnen aus den Sparten Foto-, Grafik-, Interieur-, Keramik-, Kommunikations-, Mode-/Bekleidungs-, Produkt-, Schmuck- und Textildesign, die selbständig oder angestellt tätig sind. Ziel des designerinnen forums ist es, der bisherigen Unterrepräsentanz von Designerinnen in der Wirtschaft, in Forschung und Lehre sowie in den Berufsverbänden und Institutionen abzubauen und Kompetenz und Leistungen der weiblichen Berufsangehörigen öffentlich sichtbar zu machen. Dazu wird der bereichsübergreifende Austausch von Designerinnen aller Fachrichtungen und zu Frauen angrenzender Berufsbereiche gesucht und befördert. Weitere Ziele sind, Hilfestellung beim Berufseinstieg, bei der Wiederaufnahme des Berufs und während der Berufsausübung sowie die Beratung von Studien-Interessentinnen und Förderung von Design-Studentinnen.

The designerinnen forum e.V („female designer forum“) is an association of female designers from the sectors photo, graphic, ceramic, communications, fashion, products, jewelry and textile design, who are either self-employed or employees. The aim of designerinnen forum is to mitigate the current under-representation of female designers in economy, research, teaching, as well as in professional associations and institutions, and to make publically visible the expertise and achievements of female professionals. Thus, designerinnen forum seeks and supports inter-disciplinary exchange. Further goals are assisting career start, the resumption of a career, as well as consulting those who are interested in studying design and to support female design students.

#Germany #Network #Design

Women in Film and Television

Ein internationales Businessnetzwerk für Frauen in der Film- und Fernsehbranche und den digitalen Medien – genau das ist Women in Film and Television (WIFT). WIFT Germany vernetzt Medienfrauen und bietet ein Forum für kontinuierlichen Austausch, kollegiale Unterstützung und professionelle Zusammenarbeit. WIFT Germany ist mit anderen internationalen und nationalen film- und medienpolitischen Verbänden vernetzt und selbst Teil des globalen Netzwerkes WIFT International mit mehr als 13.000 Frauen in 40 Ländern. Dabei setzt sich WIFT Germany besonders für die Gleichstellung und die gleiche Bezahlung von Frauen und Männern in allen Bereichen der Medienbranche ein: in den Redaktionen und Produktionsfirmen, bei der Filmförderung und am Set – vor und hinter der Kamera. Weiteres Ziel ist es, eine differenziertere Darstellung der Rollenbilder von Männern und Frauen in Film und Fernsehen zu erreichen. Damit dies gelingt, organisiert WIFT Germany regelmäßige Branchentreffen, Weiterbildungen und Screenings in Berlin, Hamburg, Hannover, Köln, München und Stuttgart und veranstaltet Events zur Berlinale, dem Internationalen Frauenfilmfest Dortmund | Köln, dem Filmfest Hamburg und dem Münchner Filmfest.

WIFT – Women In Film and Television – is an international business network for women in the film, television and digital media. WIFT Germany networks media women and offers a forum for continuous exchange, collegial support and professional cooperation. WIFT Germany is networked with other international and national film and media policy associations and is itself part of the global network WIFT International with more than 13,000 women in 40 countries. WIFT Germany is particularly committed to equality and equal pay for women and men in all areas of the media industry: in the editorial offices and production companies, in film funding and on the set – in front of and behind the camera. Another goal is to achieve more divers representations of role models of men and women in film and television. To make this happen, WIFT Germany organizes regular industry meetings, training courses and screenings in Berlin, Hamburg, Hanover, Cologne, Munich and Stuttgart and organizes events for the Berlinale, the Dortmund International Women’s Film Festival | Cologne, the Hamburg Film Festival and the Munich Film Festival.

#Germany #Network #Film

kunst + kind berlin

Die Vision von kunst + kind berlin ist die Implementierung von familien-kompatiblen Förderungen in öffentlichen Förderprogrammen und einer deutlich gesteigerten Sichtbarkeit in Ausstellungen und Museen.

kunst + kind berlin versteht sich als Netzwerk von Künstler*innen, das offen ist für alle, die sich für das Thema der Vereinbarkeit von Kunst und Elternschaft interessieren. Ein Jour fixe an jedem zweiten Donnerstag im Monat dient der Netzwerkbildung und dem persönlichen oder fachlichen Austausch; kunst + kind berlin lädt wechselnde Gäste aus Kultur und Politik ein, um mit ihnen über best practice-Ansätze und geschlechtergerechte Maßnahmen zu diskutieren.

The vision of kunst + kind berlin is the implementation of family-compatible funding in public funding programs and a significantly increased visibility in exhibitions and museums.

kunst + kind berlin sees itself as a network of artists that is open to everyone who is interested in the subject of the compatibility of art and parenthood. A jour fixe every second Thursday of the month serves to build networks and facilitate personal or professional exchange; kunst + kind berlin invites changing guests from culture and politics to discuss best practice approaches and gender-sensitive measures with them.

#Germany #Network #Parenting

DJV Deutscher Journalisten-Verband Gewerkschaft der Journalistinnen und Journalisten | German Federation of Journalists

DJV Referat Chancengleichheit und Diversity

Das Referat des Deutschen Journalisten Verbandes setzt sich für folgende Forderungen ein: Mehr Diversität in den Redaktionen, mehr Frauen in den Chefredaktionen der Medienhäuser (wir stehen hinter den Forderungen von ProQuote), Lohntransparenz und -gerechtigkeit.

The Deutscher Journalisten Verband (German Federation of Journalists) is the professional association, trade union and service centre for journalists.

DJV Department for Equal Opportunities and Diversity

The department of the German Association of Journalists advocates the following demands: more diversity in the editorial offices, more women in the editors-in-chief of the media houses (we stand behind the demands of ProQuote), wage transparency and fairness.

#Germany #Network #Journalism


FILMLÖWIN is a blog dedicated to films by and about women. Many filmmakers, camerawomen and actresses are still affected by sexism and discrimination. In order to counteract this marginalization, we want to help the “film women” with the “Film Löwin” project to gain more publicity and visibility.

FILMLÖWIN ist ein Blog, das sich Filmen von und über Frauen verschrieben hat. Noch immer sind viele Filmemacherinnen, Kamerafrauen und auch Schauspielerinnen von Sexismus und Diskriminierung betroffen. Um dieser Marginalisierung etwas entgegen zu setzen, wollen wir den „Filmfrauen“ mit dem Projekt “Filmlöwin” zu mehr Öffentlichkeit und Sichtbarkeit verhelfen.

#Germany #Best-Practice #film

K&K – Bündnis Kunst und Kind München

An initiative for visual artists with children, founded in February 2018 in Munich with now more than 100 members (female and male). K&K wants to improve the working conditions of artists with children and stand up for their interests, it is about networking and working together on projects, as well as bundling and archiving information. K&K holds regular discursive meetings with guests who give lectures on the subject of art and children and who discuss them with the participants, and organize joint exhibitions, symposia and political campaigns, also in cooperation with partner organizations from Hamburg and Berlin.

Eine Initiative von bildenden Künstler*innen mit Kindern, gegründet im Februar 2018 in München mit mittlerweile mehr als 100 Mitgliedern (weibliche und männliche). K&K will die Arbeitsbedingungen von Künstler*innen mit Kindern verbessern und sich für ihre Interessen stark machen, es geht um Netzwerkbildung und das gemeinsame Arbeiten an Projekten, sowie bündeln und archivieren von Informationen. K&K veranstaltet regelmäßige diskursive Treffen mit Gästen, die zum Thema Kunst und Kind referieren und mit den Teilnehmer*innen diskutieren und organisiert gemeinsame Ausstellung, Symposien und politische Aktionen, auch in Zusammenarbeit mit Partnerorganisationen aus Hamburg und Berlin.

#Germany #Parenting #Best-Practice


Sophiensæle is one of the foremost production and performance venues for independent theatre in the German-speaking world. Here you can find artists from the Berlin, national and international theater scene who are invited to produce and present their work in our spaces. Our programming allows for performance, dance, theatre, music, visual arts and discursive formats to complement each other equally – fostering a productive dialogue.

Die Sophiensæle sind einer der wichtigsten Produktions- und Spielorte für freies Theater im deutschsprachigen Raum. Künstler*innen aus der Berliner, sowie aus der nationalen und internationalen Szene werden eingeladen, ihre Arbeiten hier zu produzieren und zu präsentieren. Performance, Tanz, Theater, Musik, Bildende Kunst und diskursive Formate ergänzen sich gleichberechtigt im Programm und treten in einen produktiven Dialog.

#Germany #Best-Practice #PerformingArts

Diversity Arts Culture

To ensure that Berlin’s cultural sector better reflects the city’s diversity the Senate Department for Culture and Europe has created a design and consultation office for diversity development: Diversity Arts Culture was founded in April 2017. Its goal is encourage and support diversity-focused structural change within Berlin’s cultural sector. Until the end of 2018 Diversity Arts Culture was housed at the Kulturprojekte Berlin GmbH, since 2019 it is part of the Foundation for Cultural Education and Cultural Consultation.

Damit sich die Vielfalt der Berliner Stadtgesellschaft stärker im Kulturbetrieb widerspiegelt, hat die Senatsverwaltung für Kultur und Europa eine Konzeptions- und Beratungsstelle für Diversitätsentwicklung eingerichtet: Diversity Arts Culture wurde im April 2017 mit dem Ziel gegründet, einen diversitätsorientierten Strukturwandel im Berliner Kulturbetrieb anzuregen und zu fördern. Bis Ende 2018 arbeitete das Projektbüro unter dem Dach von Kulturprojekte Berlin. Ab dem Jahr 2019 konzentriert die Senatsverwaltung für Kultur und Europa das Projekt bei ihrer Stiftung für Kulturelle Weiterbildung und Kulturberatung.

#Germany #Best-Practice #consulting


Onassis Stegi

Onassis Stegi is a foundation in Athens, adhering to the values of open society, equal access to education and, above all, constant and collective curiosity. It supports various events, festivals and projects that are culturally relevant to topics of gender and sex. For example the Body Politics Festival, the World Aids Day Event “I’m Positive”, the podcast “Sex Education” or a talk by the “Guerilla Girls”

#Greece #Best-Practice #Festival

Bios Arts and Media

Located in the heart of Athens, Bios is much more than a bar. Its main goal is hosting regular exhibitions and music. Our social oriented activities have been group education sessions in which young men critically reflect on what it means to be men. Building on a human rights- based approach, we promote a critical consciousness about gender. Those sessions are in turn supported by community campaigns, which are created and implemented by young people and adults promoting non-violent and gender- equitable ways of being men. Our work has evolved to include young women as partners and also to engage parents—mothers and fathers—in working to reduce corporal punishment of children and promote gender-equitable child rearing. We also conduct both formative and impact evaluation studies of our work. And we collaborate with partners to carry out advocacy activities

#Greece #Best-Practice #VoicesofCulture



FairPlé aims to achieve gender balance in the production, performance, promotion, and development of Irish traditional and folk music. We advocate for equal opportunity and balanced representation for all.

#Music #Ireland #Network #Best-Practice

#Waking The Feminist

#WakingTheFeminists, formed in protest against the male-dominated lineup at the Abbey in Dublin for its 2016 centenary programme. The campaign has mobilised women in the arts, the media and beyond to publicly question and expose the mechanisms by which they have been excluded and marginalised. As a result of #WakingTheFeminists and the discussion it launched, the Minister of Arts asked all National Cultural Institutions to have gender policies in place by 2018, to ensure that those who shape our national cultural identity must make sure women are fairly represented.

#Campaign #Irland #Theatre #panteia

Women on Women

A Creative Europe small co-operations project looking at (re)presentation of women in the arts and in the public domain.

#Theatre #Ireland


SoloSIRENs is a festival dedicated to women theatre artists who are writing and performing their own work. Curated, directed and staffed entirely by a female team, SoloSIRENs is a platform for women to collectively share and express the challenges facing women in the arts and society today. SoloSIRENS Festival is created and directed by Jenny Macdonald and produced by Jennifer Webster. A Tallaght Community Arts Initiative.

#Ireland #Theatre #Best-Practice

SPHE – Social Personal and Health Education Curriculum, Republic of Ireland

SPHE implementation commenced in schools in the Republic of Ireland in 2003. The subject is introduced to students from Primary Cycle (5 years old approx) right through to Senior Cycle (18 years old approx). The curriculum framework for SPHE in senior cycle is an enabling curriculum.The framework is built around five areas of learning. These areas of learning, focus on what is important for learners in senior cycle to know, understand and be able to do in order to make and maintain healthy lifestyle decisions. The five areas of learning are: Mental health, Gender studies, Substance use, Relationships and sexuality education, Physical activity and nutrition.

#Best-Practice #Education #Ireland #VoicesofCulture

MAM- Mothers Artists Makers Ireland

An advocacy group for feminist mothers in Irish theatre promoting family friendly arts practice. Mothers, Artists, Makers (MAM) is an evolving, self-organised group of mothers who identify as artists and theatre makers. We are  highly skilled and experienced practitioners of writing, acting, directing, producing, publicity, design, and education. We have almost 250 members on the island of Ireland, and are expanding internationally.

#Best-Practice #Parenting #Ireland #VoicesofCulture


Women’s Bodies

“Women’s Bodies” is a documentary film from 2009, directed by Lorella Zanardo. It criticizes the exploitation of the female image for commercial, ideological and political purposes. Using images that have been broadcasted on public and private TV channels in Italy over the past 30 years, the documentary has attracted enormous interest, and initiated a wide-reaching critical reflection. Women’s Bodies is now a touring project that raises awareness of the discrimination women in Italy face.

#film #Italy

New Eyes for Media

“New Eyes for Media” is an educational programme, launched by Lorella Zanardo. It trains teenagers to use Media Education as a tool for active citizenship.

#Italy #best-practice #Education


GiULiA is a national network of united, free and independent women journalists. The association, founded five years ago, represents and brings together heterogeneous realities – including those of the transient, freelance and unemployed – with the goal of fighting the gagging of journalists and the censorship of information. It consists of journalists who aim to represent themselves and their condition through a first-person narrative.

#italy #journalismus #network

Performing Gender – Dance makes differences

Performing Gender – Performing Gender – Dance makes differences is a capacity building programme aimed at enabling a new generation of European dance artists and professionals to develop a new form of narrative for LGBTI identities.

#International #Best-Practice #Dance

Gender matters

„Gender Matters“ is a pilot project that revolves around the cooperation of three cultural players committed to theater, based in France (Compagnie Duanama), Italy (Sciara Progetti) and Portugal (Teatro Metaphora – Associação de Amigos das Artes). Aim of the project is to promote gender issues and raise awareness about the phenomenon of violence against women by combing a theater-based approach together with non formal education in order to achieve audience development and empowerment.

#International #Best-Practice #Theatre

Legge Franceschini

In Italy, since 2017 the new Cinema Law, “Legge Franceschini”, introduced encouraging changes for women working in the film industry. For the first time gender equality becomes a factor in the decision-making process in awarding project development and production support.

#Best-Practice #Film #Italy

Around Culture

Around Culture is a new-generation enterprise-system which offers innovative services to contribute to the development, enhancement and communication of the cultural capital. Our primary purpose is to create new convergences between public and private entities as well as synergies between territory, creative activities and heritage. Through a constant strategic and dynamic process of widening and diversification of our supply, we aim to offer activities that satisfy the needs of existing and potential audiences in order to develop lasting relations with them.

#VoicesofCulture #Italy #Belgium #Austria #communication #environment #VoicesofCulture


Acume is a cultural association founded by Flavia Barca and Liliana Grasso dedicated to designing, engineering, researching and training in the economics, policies and management of culture, creativity and media. Acume’s main objectives are to promote culture and creativity as tools for enhancing growth, social inclusion, employment, land development and regeneration, as well as for building a distinctive, inclusive and democratic European identity.

#Italy #Kulturmanagement #VoicesofCulture


Connect is a Knowledge Alliance that promotes innovative cooperation between universities and enterprises in the cultural sector across Europe. During the project a new twin-track programme in audience development for students and practitioners working in arts management will be designed and launched by a transnational team of 54 researchers, teachers and trainers in 5 national hubs in Spain, UK, Italy, Denmark and Poland, each one composed by higher education institutions and private cultural organisations. This mentoring scheme foresees a great majority of women as participants and it can be taken as an example of mentoring activity within the cultural sector.

#Mentoring #Italy #VoicesofCulture #Best-Practice


JANIS ROZE Ltd Publishing house

Janis Roze Publishers is a publishing house with longstanding book publishing traditions and successful entrepreneurship. Janis Roze Ltd is one of the rare cultural brands that have been renewed after the independence of Latvia was regained.

Janis Roze Publishers received a number of prestige awards. In 2008 it received a special prize for our contribution to culture from The German-Baltic Chamber of Commerce and a Literature prize for the best poetry book and the best translation. Books published by Janis Roze Publishers have been featured in Writers’ Prize short list and were nominated in the contest of book art ZELTA ĀBELE.

#Latvia #Literature #Best-Practice


IWAV- International Women’s Association of Vilnius

IWAV works toward sustainable empowerment through a variety of activities designed to contribute to the personal growth of its members as well as to the vulnerable and disadvantaged groups located within the communities they call home.

#Lithuania #Network


CID | Fraen an Gender

CID | Fraen an Gender is a place for everyone who is interested in feminism, gender issues, equality between all genders and speaks out against gender stereotypes.

CID | Fraen an Gender aims to make the cultural activities of women in the past and present visible, to promote and to document them, f.e. with the women music project Euterpe.

#Luxemburg #Best-Practice


NISTA: Using the media to encourage women to work

In Maltese, nista’ means ‘I can’. It was the name of a €1.3 million media awareness-raising campaign run in 2010-2012 to promote women’s participation in the labour market, which remains at a very low level in Malta.

#Malta #Empowerment #EIGE


School of Missing Men

The School of Missing Men takes as its starting point the fact that 75 percent of students at BEAR are women, a norm ratio in art schools across the Netherlands and abroad. How is it then that the art-world continues to be for the most part male dominated?

#Best-Practice #Netherlands #Education

Fair Practice Code

The code of conduct for entrepreneurship and working in art, culture and the creative industry.

#Netherlands #Best-Practice #Initiative


Arteria Art Foundation

The ARTeria Foundation – as the only Polish non-governmental organization – is (since 2010) a member of Culture Action Europe, an international network that acts as a kind of advocate representing the cultural sector at the European level, actively participating in the creation of the cultural policy of the European Union. Since 2020, the ARTeria Foundation is also a member of the international ENCATC network associating organizations and institutions involved in education in the field of cultural management and cultural policies.

#Poland #foundation  #network


Feminoteka is the largest feminist news website, the first feminist bookstore in Central and Eastern Europe, and a foundation. The website and bookstore were established in 2001, the Feminoteka Foundation in 2005..

#Poland #literatur #best-practice


HyPaTia is a Polish feminist research project aimed at documenting and disseminating knowledge about women who constitue the history of Polish theater.

#Poland #literatur #best-practice          


Women, Arts and Dictatorship

is a project by the research group “Gender, Arts and Post-Colonial Studies” (CEUM/ UMinho). We want to contribute to a revision of the history of art and literature through the analysis of various case studies by analysing works of women artists from the late 20th century. We will focus on artists from Portuguese-speaking countries (Portugal, Brazil, Lusophone Africa) who deal with different aspects of dictatorship. The main goal is to enhance visibility of women as creators of the literary and artistic aesthetic canon. The projects develops seminars, film cycles and workshops.

#Portugal #Best-Practice #Visibility


Romanian association of women in art (inactive)

The association aims at the production, organisation and circulation of information about artistic events with trans-disciplinary and multi-media specific. Promoting the achievements in culture and their social position of equal opportunities and rights, in Romanian and European context: concerts, shows, exhibitions, conferences, workshop, debates, publications.




This is an independent, feminist non-governmental organisation. Since its establishment, it has been committed to supporting women’s and children’s rights, is actively engaged in combating all forms of discrimination against women and improving equal opportunities for women and men.
EsFem is especially committed to gender sensitisation in the way it challenges existing female and male stereotypes. EsFem pursues these goals above all by training teachers and holding workshops in schools, and by developing methodical teaching materials; textbooks and sex education in schools are analysed.

Girls can do it – supporting non-traditional career choices of women in vocational education

We prepared a brief study in which we examined the impact of horizontal segregation in secondary vocational education on women’s employment opportunities in Slovakia, and we discussed the results at a workshop with stakeholders.

#Slovakia #Education #Best-Practice


City of Women

The International Festival of Contemporary Arts – City of Women has been held for ten days every October since 1995 in different venues across the city of Ljubljana. Uniting amazing women* from all over the world, the festival offers a unique experience blending great artistic endeavors with inspiring talks and workshops.

#Festival #Slovenia


Gesetzliche Gleichberechtigung: Aufhebung des Gender Pay Gaps

Barcelona International Film Festival

Barcelona International Film Festival is a festival that started in June 1993 with the aim of promoting films directed by women and giving visibility to women’s audiovisual culture. Thus, the festival has projected the filmographies of women from all over the world, highlighting the importance of women’s contribution to the development of audiovisual creation. Organized by Anna Solá (co-director) and Marta Selva (co-director)

#film #Spain #international #best-practice

Women in the Visual Arts

Women in the Visual Arts (“Mujeres en las Artes Visuales MAV”) is a group of more than 500 visual arts professionals women in Spain that promotes the visibility and improvement of opportunities for women in the arts.

#Spain #Kunst #Network

EmPoderArte (inactive)

The Objectives: make more visible women artists and promote equality between men and women. Methodologies: thematic exhibitions, workshops, round tables, conferences.



Our project consisted in the publication of five outstanding works of literature. In addition to its remarkable literary profile, the project also had political and social ambitions: it set out to discover writers unknown to Spanish readers and to bring to light a series of women’s destinies that had hitherto been hidden.

#Literature #Spain #Best-Practice


The Arts Council and the Music Agency promote more equal orchestral repertoire

The Swedish Arts Council and the Music Agency were commissioned by the Government to work towards making the repertoire among Swedish orchestras more equal. The work took place in dialogue with relevant actors at local, regional and national level. Regional cultural administrations, music businesses and national actors such as copyright organizations, free actors, institutions and compositional education have participated in round table discussions at the Arts Council.

#Sweden #Music #Best-Practice #Panteia

JiM-Programm (Jämställdhetsintegrering i myndigheter), auch bekannt als GMGA (Gender Mainstreaming in Government Agencies)

Musikverket: Musikverket ist eines von 41 Einrichtungen des JiM Projektes. Diese Projekte wurden vom Musikverket 2017 mit öffentlichen Geldern unterstützt um ein geschlechtergerechtes Booking zu verwirklichen.

#Best-Practice #Music #Sweden


Die skandinavische Kooperation in Genderfragen ermöglicht mindestens einmal jährlich eine Zusammenkunft der Gleichstellungsminister/-innen aller in NordForsk

#Network #Skandinavia


The campaign #5050×2020 was launched at the 2016 Cannes Film Festival, when the Swedish Film Institute hosted an event titled FiftyFifty by 2020. Featured speakers were Sweden’s Minister for Culture and Democracy, Alice Bah Kuhnke, and France’s Minister for Culture, Audrey Auzoulay, alongside Roberto Olla, the Executive Director of Eurimages, and Anna Serner, CEO of the Swedish Film Institute. Additional participants included Oscar-nominated director Ruben Östlund, producer Emilie Lesclaux, producer Chiara Tilesi, and director Alexandra-Therese Keining.

#Best-Practice #Sweden #France #Film


An Initiative for Gender Inclusive Game Education in Practice founded in 2011.

#Best-Practice #Sweden #Game

Female Legends

Female Legends is a non-profit working to promote women and non-binary people within esports and the wider gaming community.

#Game #Sweden #Best-Practice


ONEofTHREE is an initiative that started in Sweden in 2014 with the objective of engaging more female directors in commercial filmmaking. In every pitch, at least one out of three directors should be a woman. Behind the initiative are The Swedish Film & TV Producers Association – Film&TV-Producenterna and The Swedish Association of Communication Agencies -Komm.

#Sweden #Best-Practice #Film #Commercial


The Swedish Association of Women Composers (Kvinnlig Anhopning av Svenska Tonsättare – KVAST) is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to raise awareness for women composers and promote the performance of their music. Gender equality on the concert stage – for democracy and artistic excellence.

#Sweden #Music #Best-Practice

Other european countries


ERA 50:50

ERA 50:50 wants to see women represented on screen, in television and theatre in equal numbers to men.

#UK #Campaign #Best-Practice

Bechdel Test

The Bechdel test also known as the Bechdel–Wallace test, is a measure of the representation of women in fiction. It asks whether a work features at least two women who talk to each other about something other than a man.

#Initiative #England #Best-Practice


Established 2014 in London shesaid.so evolved into the largest independent global community of women and gender minorities in the music industry.

#Music #England #Network #International


Women on Boards exists to provide information, encouragement and connections to help women get to the top within their own company or to take on a board or committee role as a non executive director (NED), trustee or governor.

#Best-Practice #England #Leadership #VoicesofCulture

Rebel Girls

Gain inspiration for role models to teach with the Rebel Girls book series around brave, clever, special girls and women around the world during different centuries.

#Best-Practice #Literature #England #VoicesofCulture

PiPA campaign

Lack of support and provision for carers in the Performing Arts is endemic, and, if not addressed, will mean that many are forced to leave the industry after starting a family, leading to a loss of talent and further inequality in the Arts. To address these issues and affect change in the Performing Arts, in 2016 Cassie Raine, Actor, and Anna Ehnold-Danailov, Director, founded the Parents and Carers in Performing Arts Campaign, PiPA. Over the past years the PiPA campaign has conducted extensive research and called for change across the industry. In order to address the scale of change that’s needed, and to ensure that work is ongoing and monitored, PIPA has become a limited company. Their research highlights the need for a long term presence in the performing arts as well as cross-arts dialogue in order to maximise opportunities for learning and share Best Practice.

#Best-Practice #Parenting #England #VoicesofCulture

SWAP’ra: Supporting Women and Parents in Opera

On top of a general focus on gender equality (notably the underrepresentation of women in the sector), this initiative focuses specifically on issues related to combining parenthood with a career in opera. The flexibility required in terms of last minute changes in rehearsing schedule, is a practical problem for many parents. Moreover, initiators notice a taboo on the way parenthood affects singers- who feel they are taken less seriously when they have to make choices for the benefit of their families.

#Best-Practice #Parenting #England #Panteia #Music


Mothership Project

The Mothership Project is a network of parenting artists in Ireland, who aim to support parenting artists in the development of their practice and to encourage arts organisations to make the art world a more inclusive place for artists with children.

#Best-Practice #Parenting #Island #Voicesof Culture


Tiiiit! Inc.

Tiiiit! Inc. conducts activities to actively engage and support the women rights activists and independent artists in advocating improvement of the women’s rights in our society.

#Initiative #Macedonia



The Art of Balance (Balansekunst) is a Norwegian association consisting of more than 90 organizations, companies, festivals and other institutions within the art and culture industry working to promote gender equality and diversity in the arts.

#Best-Practice #Norway #Network



ŠTRIK will translate, publish, promote and distribute 10 high quality works by female authors from 10 European countries (1 short story collection will be translated from Serbian into Spanish, 6 books from lesser used into lesser used language; 4 different genres).

#Serbia #Literature #Best-Practice



Helvetiarockt is the Swiss coordination office and networking platform for female* musicians in jazz, pop and rock. Since 2009, the association has been campaigning for a significant increase in the proportion of women* representation in the Swiss music industry.

#Switzerland #Music # Network

Who writes his_tory?

Who writes his_tory? is a collaborative project that questions the reproduction of knowledge and structural discrimination of women * on the Internet and especially on Wikipedia and wants to add feminist, anti-racist perspectives. They hold regular feminist edit-a-thons in the arts.

#Best-Practice #Switzerland #Edit-a-thon

FMD ForumMusikDiversität

The ForumMusikDiversität FMD emerged from the FrauenMusikForum FMF, which was founded in 1982 as part of the second wave of the women’s movement; The purpose of the FMF was to promote and publicize the musical creativity of women and to improve women in musical life, in particular through equality between men and women in professional terms.

Das ForumMusikDiversität FMD geht aus dem FrauenMusikForum FMF hervor, das 1982 im Zuge der zweiten Welle der Frauenbewegung gegründet wurde; das FMF bezweckte das musikalische Schaffen von Frauen zu fördern und bekanntzumachen und die Frau im Musikleben besserzustellen, insbesondere durch Gleichstellung von Mann und Frau in beruflicher Hinsicht.

#Switzerland #Music #Platform

Autorinnenkollektiv RAUF

The female authors‘ collective RAUF is committed to increasing the visibility of women in the literary scene.

#Switzerland #literature #Best-Practice

Cross- national

iGDN International Gender Design Network

The objective of this initiative is to put the issue of gender and design on the international agenda within the sector. Design is a pervasive thing in society. However, in the design field women are still heavily underrepresented. This network, set up in 2013, was set up to celebrate and promote female designers across the globe. Women and interested parties are brought together in an informal, global network.

#Network #International #Design #Panteia

An important initiative by the iGDN is the iphiGenia Gender Design Award. Design shapes the world. Therefore it is necessary to bring gender awareness to the design process, to avoid both gender blindness and gender stereotypes. Every year, the iphiGenia Gender Design Award honors the world’s best gender sensitive designs.

#Best-Practice #International #Design #Panteia

WILM Women in Live Music

Women in Live Music [WILM] is a European platform and online community for women working in live music; this includes various ‘behind the scene’ roles: Sound Engineers,Tour Managers, Lighting Designers, Riggers, Backliners,Stage Managers, Stagehands and more. Music professionals can use this database if they are missing women in their crew.

#Network #International #Music #VoicesofCulture


The UNIC Women’s Cinema Leadership programme is a 12-month cross-sector, pan-European mentoring scheme for women in cinema exhibition. The programme is rooted in the belief that gender-balanced leadership in cinema exhibition is imperative for business success, better governance and more equity in the industry.

#Mentoring #International #VoicesofCulture


There is a desire in the children’s theatre and dance sector, to create work that is excellent and relevant, which tells a more diverse range of stories, and reflects the experiences and lives of us all. PUSH is a 2-year project working with five partners in Scotland, Belgium, Ireland, Norway and Denmark to ‘push’ and develop thinking, ideas and the artforms within theatre and dance for children and young people in Europe. PUSH will focus on three topics that are currently underexplored in work for young audiences: Gender, (over)Protection, Migration.

#Dance #International #Best-Practice


The first WIF network (Women in Film LA) was established in Los Angeles in the 70’s as a reaction to male dominance in the film industry. Today, there are around 50 WIFT and WIFT-partner chapters on six continents – all working for the same goal: gender balance in the industry.

#Network #International #Film


Women in Film and Television International (WIFTI) has teamed up with the global post-production company Chimney to make a “gender incentive” for change – 10% for 50/50 – where production companies get a 10 % discount if the production is gender balanced.

#Best-Practice #Film

EUNIC GLOBAL European Union National Institutes for Culture

EUNIC – European Union National Institutes for Culture – is the European network of organisations engaging in cultural relations. Together with our partners, we bring to life European cultural collaboration in more than 90 countries worldwide with a network of over 120 clusters, drawing on the broad experience of our members from all EU Member States and associate countries. EUNIC advocates a prominent role of culture in international relations and is a strategic partner of the EU, actively involved in the further definition of European cultural policy. EUNIC is a platform for knowledge sharing and for capacity building amongst its members and partners.

#EU #Network

ENCC European Network of Cultural Centres

The ENCC represents over 5,000 cultural centres throughout Europe, with programmes and activities that aim to empower them and their communities. In 2019, the ENCC applied and was selected to participate in a structured dialogue with the EU Commission about Gender Equality in the cultural sector. The process was facilitated by Voices of Culture.
Read the report: Gender Balance in the Cultural and Creative Sectors: the Brainstorming Report

#Best-Practice #Report #International

Global FemArt

Global FemArt aims to develop specific support for the entrepreneurial development of female artists and creatives, through a holistic programme combining online training and mentoring.

#Best-Practice #FemaleEntrepreneurship #International

MoMoWo- Women’s creativity since the Modern Movement

MoMoWo’s general aim is to highlight the diverse contributions of women in design professions. MoMoWo focuses on contemporary works by European women in the fields of architecture, civil engineering, interior design, landscape design, and urban planning. These fields were, and in some case, are currently perceived as masculine dominated professions. This project tackles this attitude, by exposing notable and important works by female designers both past and present.

#Best-Practice #Design #Architecture #International #Italy #Portugal #Panteia

G-BOOK 2: European teens as readers and creators in gender-positive narratives

Teens’ literature plays a crucial role in the development of kids’ gender identity. Moving from the results of G-BOOK-Gender identity:Child readers and library collections and from the dishomogeneous approach among EU countries in dealing with gender issues, G-BOOK 2 aims at strengthening international gender-positive teens literature and contrasting stereotyped narratives that restrict kids’ autodetermination.

#Literature #Best-Practice

Performing Gender – Dancing In Your Shoes

Performing Gender – Dancing In Your Shoes is a 3-year audience development project that involves different actors of cultural production chain – communities, organizations, artists, policy makers, academics – from Italy, Hungary, Sweden, The Netherlands, UK, Spain, France, Slovenia.

#Dance #Best-Practice #International


Women in Games WIGJ is the not for profit organisation that seeks a games industry, culture and community free of gender discrimination, where full equality of opportunity, treatment and conditions empowers all women to achieve their full potential. Women in Games is 11 years old and is now officially represented in 47 different countries.

#International #Games #Network

LUX Film Prize

The European Parliament has also been supporting the dissemination of film productions directed by women or portraying strong and inspiring female characters through its LUX Film Prize. Over the past 11 years, the prize has helped promote more than 100 films. In its 12 editions since its creation in 2007, the prize has been awarded to five women.

#Film #EU #Best-Practice

Parenting at Film Festivals

Parenting at Films Festivals is a community of film professionals who want to make travelling to film festivals and markets with children and babies easier. Through its Facebook and WhatsApp groups, it offers a space for interested individuals to swap tips and advice.

#Film #Best-Practice

Achieving gender equality and promoting diversity in the European Audiovisual sector

The social partners ofthe EU Social Dialogue Committee in the Audiovisual sector – commercial and public broadcasters, producers, and trade unions representing journalists, cast and crew, and other audiovisual professionals – have been cooperating to promote gender equality in film, radio and television for many years already.

#Best-Practice #AudioVisual #Hand-Book


EFAD (European Film Agency Directors association) is the voice of national European Film Agencies, bringing together the Directors of national film funds from European countries. Since 2017, the EFAD have a set up a working group dedicated to the exchange of information and best practices in the area of gender balance and inclusion. It is chaired by Anna Serner, CEO of the Swedish Film Institute who has been leading on the campaign 50/50 by 2020.

#EU #Best-Practice #Film

Interaktive overview on international networks for women in music

ETC: European Theatre Convention

An Artistic Platform for Creation, Innovation & Collaboration.

#Network #International #Research


Keychange is an international campaign and network for gender equality, which aims to diversify the current music industry to create a more sustainable and stronger community for all genders. Supported by the Creative Europe Programme of the European Union and led by Reeperbahn Festival, Keychange is now a global network and equality movement which includes partners and collaborators in 12 countries.

Keychange Participants 2020 Playlist
#Netzwerk #Musik #International #VoicesofCulture

European Gender Equality Week

The FEMM Committee has invited all EP committees to hold for the first time European Gender Equality Week. This important milestone provides an excellent opportunity to discuss the achievements and future challenges for the advancement of girls’ and women’s rights and gender equality.

#Best-Practice #EU

Culture Action Europe (CAE)

CAE is the major European network of cultural networks, organisations, artists, activists, academics and policymakers. CAE is the first port of call for informed opinion and debate about arts and cultural policy in the EU. As the only intersectoral network, it brings together all practices in culture, from the performing arts to literature, the visual arts, design and cross-arts initiatives, to community centres and activist groups.

#Network #EU

Europe! Voices of Women in Film

EUROPE! VOICES OF WOMEN IN FILM is supported by the Creative Europe – MEDIA Programme of the European Union and Eurimages and presented for the first time in cooperation with European Women’s Audiovisual Network (EWA) and Festival Scope. The programme recognises new works by some of Europe’s most exciting women directors and presents them in a dedicated section of the Sydney film  festival.

#Film #EU #Network

Musica Femina International

We connect organizations from Austria, Slovenia, Germany and Hungary. Our project aims at raising awareness about gender-balance in the music scene, highlighting creativity of women in music, facilitating new creations and ensuring transnational mobility of female artists: composers, performers, authors, poets of our time and of our cultural heritage.

#Musik #Co-operation #Best-Practice


The SALOON is a diverse, international network of female art professionals active through local groups in a growing number of cities worldwide.

Our members are curators, journalists, gallerists and other professionals in the arts. Our aim is to create more visibility and equal opportunities for active females in their local art scene. Our activities include meetings between the members and public events, ranging from studio or exhibition visits, portfolio reviews, exhibitions, or panel discussions. We connect our members internationally with the other SALOON cities by organizing exchange programs, exhibitions or online meetings.

#Network #Artists


The project SHIFT will provide training offers for cultural leaders, working together and creating paths to face such global challenges. Implementing changes where needed and passing on the gained knowledge to leaders and staff members, of cultural networks and the broader cultural sector are key targets of the project.

#Eu #Network #Project #VoicesofCulture

Kara Agora

KARA AGORA is a participatory online Art & Research Center. Through various cultural formats using virtual worlds on the Internet, European citizens are invited to become active participants in imagining a transnational community.

“Net Works – Pitch for a Social Network Sphere” is an online exhibition and space for open debates about our global network society from a historical, socio-political, and queer-feminist perspective in collaboration with artists, networks, and community leaders based in Europe.

#EU #Network #Digital

Sisters of Europe

Sisters of Europe is a project that empowers and connects women across Europe. Our website contains a series of interviews with 17 committed women in 17 different countries. Our 17 sheroes are famous and unknown, young and old, activists and astronauts, miners and politicians, but they all share a common goal: to change things.

#Journalism #International

Feminist Futures

With the project FEMINIST FUTURES, apap will continue to promote international cooperation between art and dance institutions from eleven European Union countries in the next four years. During that period FEMINIST FUTURES will focus on the newly established European festival „Everybody’s Sisters Europe“.

#Dance #International #Festival


apap – advancing performing arts project is an international network of 11 cultural organisations from all over Europe. The apap-network has been established in 2000, since then implementing several programmes with the support of the EU Cultural programs successfully.

#Network #International #PerfomingArts

Tashweesh – Conversations and Alliances in Feminism

Its artistic programme aims to highlight different, unfamiliar and perhaps surprising perspectives on the relationship with countries in the North Africa / Middle East region, focusing on the similarities. All preparatory activities will culminate in the Tashweesh festival, rolling out one month in Autumn 2021 in Brussels, Tunis and Vienna and consisting of a variety of open formats in order to close the gaps between the high, the low and the no art column.

#International #Best-Practice #Festival

Room to Bloom

The project will: Train, assist and support of 100 young promising artists and create professional opportunities. Create a network of feminist artists and migrant background artists, made of more established and younger artists and arts professionals. Formulate proposals for running post-colonial feminist art practices. Create feminist and post-colonial narratives for a Transnational Europe, which is expressed through the final productions by 15 young artists for young innovative Biennales.

#International #Best-Practice

MEWEM EUROPA – Mentoring program for Women Entrepreneurs in Music Industry in Europe

MEWEM EUROPA is a project to manage and lead a mentoring programme on a European scale, aimed at promoting the development of managerial skills of women, young professionals in the music industry.

#International #Mentoring #Music #VoicesofCulture

Not yet written stories – women artists‘ archives online

»Forgotten Heritage: European Avant-garde Art Online« is a project about avant-garde artists from Poland, Croatia, Belgium, and Estonia, with a focus on the 1960s and 1970s. Currently, the project »Not yet written stories« aims to add more forgotten female artists.

#International #Best-Practice

Centre Stage

The evidence is that women performing artists still earn less, get less funding and are under more time-pressure than their male peers and are under-represented within publicly funded organisations. Over the next three years Kultur i Väst (Sweden), Theatre Forum (Ireland) and the Agencia Andaluza de Instituciones Culturales through the Escuela Pública de Formación Cultural de Andalucía (Spain) will collaborate to help correct the balance.

#International #Best-Practice #PerformingArts

A Woman’s Work

A Woman’s Work is a project that uses photography and digital media to address the under-representation of women’s key role in many manufacturing and service industries through artistic collaboration and exchange across borders, and the co-production of exhibitions, publications and online resources that challenge the dominant view of gender and industry in Europe.

#International #Best-Practice #Photography #DigitalMedia


From an interdisciplinary and cross-sectorial perspective, Wom@rts pursues women’s equal share presence in the Arts, in terms of visibility, promotion and access to the market.

#International #Best-Practice

Reseo European Network for Opera, Music and Dance Education

RESEO is a network, spanning 25 countries, for arts education and creative learning with a specific focus on opera, music and dance. Founded in 1996, RESEO brings together organisations and artists from Europe and beyond to promote innovation and equal access to creativity, exchange ideas, and collaborate on shared initiatives, making us a true catalyst for development in the field. RESEO also works with a range of partners to advocate for the value of opera, music and dance education.

#oper #musik #tanz #länderübergreifend #MonicaZarna #VoicesofCulture

Unstereotype Alliance

The Unstereotype Alliance is a thought and action platform that seeks to eradicate harmful gender-based stereotypes in all media and advertising content. Convened by UN Women, the United Nations entity for Gender Equality, the Unstereotype Alliance brings together partners and seeks to collectively use the advertising industry as a force for good to drive positive change all over the world.

#International #Best-Practice #VoicesofCulture


A radical, international book club challenging understandings of the status quo and mobilizing communities globally.

#International #Literatur #Best-Practice


Each year, volunteers from across the country dedicate thousands of combined hours to perform an arduous task: manually, painstakingly tally the gender breakdown in major literary publications and book reviews. We break down forty literary journals and well-respected periodicals, tallying genre, book reviewers, books reviewed, and journalistic bylines to offer an accurate assessment of the publishing world. VIDA is a non-profit, intersectional feminist literary organization. We are dedicated to creating transparency surrounding gender imbalances and the lack of diversity in the literary landscape. We also work to amplify historically-marginalized voices.

#Literature #International #Best-Practice

Stella Count

The 2018 Stella Count surveys twelve publications – including national, metropolitan and regional newspapers, journals and magazines – in print and online. The Count assesses the extent of gender bias in the field of book reviewing in Australia. In order to do this, it records the authors, book titles and book genres reviewed, as well as the gender of reviewers, and number and size of reviews published.

#Literature #Australia #Best-Practice

Other sectors

FidAR (Frauen in die Aufsichtsräte) e.V.

FidAR wurde Ende 2006 von Frauen in Führungspositionen aus Wirtschaft, Wissenschaft und Politik mit dem Ziel gegründet, den Frauenanteil in den deutschen Aufsichtsräten signifikant und nachhaltig zu erhöhen. FidAR hat inzwischen ca. 950 Mitglieder – Männer und Frauen – die wichtigen Positionen in Wirtschaft, Wissenschaft und öffentlichem Leben einnehmen. Der Verein fordert Maßnahmen, um den Frauenanteil in den Aufsichtsräten deutscher Kapitalgesellschaften und Institutionen deutlich zu steigern und den Frauenanteil im Top-Management zu erhöhen. FidAR ist und arbeitet unabhängig, überparteilich, überregional und vertraulich, ist offen für die engagierte Unterstützung von persönlichen Mitgliedern und die Zusammenarbeit mit Unternehmen und Verbänden.

FidAR „Women in Supervisory Boards“ was founded in 2006 by women in leading positions in economy, sciences and politics, with the aim to effectively and significantly increase the number in German supervisory boards. At this point, FidAR has approximately 950 both male and female members in important positions in economics, sciences and public life. The association demands measures to significantly increase the number of women in German supervisory boards of corporations or institutions, and to increase the number of women in executive positions. FidAR is independent, non-partisan cross-regional and confidential, open to engaged support from private members and cooperation with businesses and associations.

#Germany #Network #Leadership

Gender Studies Departments/ Research Centers Worldwide

Information portal for gender studies and women and gender studies.

#research #platform #genderstudies #International

Themis- Themis-Vertrauensstelle gegen sexuelle Belästigung und Gewalt e.V.

The Themis trust center is a joint concern of the industry associations, the employer and employee representatives from the culture and media industry and the broadcasters. In the culture and media industry, employees are exposed to special framework conditions: e.g. often temporary projects, especially in the case of film and television no fixed operational structures or similar. If someone wants to complain about sexual assault, this can have consequences for those affected. Those affected need an independent agency they trust. But that’s not enough. You also need consultants who know the specific work situation at theaters, in orchestras and on the film set.

Die Vertrauensstelle Themis ist ein gemeinsames Anliegen der Branchenverbände, der Arbeitgeber*innen- und Arbeitnehmer*innenvertretungen aus der Kultur- und Medienbranche und der Sendeanstalten. In der Kultur- und Medienbranche sind Beschäftigte besonderen Rahmenbedingungen ausgesetzt: z.B. oftmals befristete Projekte, vor allem bei Film und Fernsehen keine festen betrieblichen Strukturen o.ä. Möchte sich jemand über sexuelle Übergriffigkeit beschweren, kann dies für die Betroffenen Konsequenzen haben. Betroffene brauchen eine unabhängige Stelle ihres Vertrauens. Aber das reicht noch nicht. Sie brauchen auch Berater*innen, die die spezifische Arbeitssituation an Theatern, in Orchestern und am Filmset kennen.

#Best-Practice #Germany #film #againstsexualharassment

IAWM International Alliance for Women in Music

The International Alliance for Women in Music (IAWM) is an international membership organization of women and men dedicated to fostering and encouraging the activities of women in music, particularly in the areas of musical activity such as composing, performing, and research in which gender discrimination is an historic and ongoing concern.

Die Vertrauensstelle Themis ist ein gemeinsames Anliegen der Branchenverbände, der Arbeitgeber*innen- und Arbeitnehmer*innenvertretungen aus der Kultur- und Medienbranche und der Sendeanstalten. In der Kultur- und Medienbranche sind Beschäftigte besonderen Rahmenbedingungen ausgesetzt: z.B. oftmals befristete Projekte, vor allem bei Film und Fernsehen keine festen betrieblichen Strukturen o.ä. Möchte sich jemand über sexuelle Übergriffigkeit beschweren, kann dies für die Betroffenen Konsequenzen haben. Betroffene brauchen eine unabhängige Stelle ihres Vertrauens. Aber das reicht noch nicht. Sie brauchen auch Berater*innen, die die spezifische Arbeitssituation an Theatern, in Orchestern und am Filmset kennen.

#International #Music # Network

FIA (International Federation of Actors) Handbook

FIA Handbook of Good Practices to Combat Gender Stereotypes and Promote Equal Opportunities in Film, Television and Theatre in Europe.

#Best-Practice #Handbook #Film #VoicesofCulture

Women in Audiovisual in the Southern Mediterranean

An Informative handbook has been produced with the aim of filling an important gap in the existing publications available to film professionals. For the first time ever, in Arabic and in English, a book puts together relevant information about gender equality opportunities in the audiovisual sector in the South Mediterranean, in different areas such as production, funding, exchange and networking, knowledge building and selected public initiatives.

#International #Handbook #Best-Practice #Film

Gender Equality- also a matter for men

Handbook about how men can contribute to gender equality.

#Initiative #Germany

Edition F

EDITION F – a special media company. EDITION F has become the digital home for women and their friends and inspires daily with in-depth and exciting content in the magazine, with small and large events such as the 25 Women Award or the FEMALE FUTURE FORCE DAY conference, also offline.

EDITION F – ein besonderes Medienunternehmen. EDITION F ist zu dem digitalen Zuhause für Frauen und ihre Freund*innen geworden und inspiriert täglich mit tiefgründigen und spannenden Inhalten im Magazin, mit kleinen und großen Events wie dem 25 Frauen Award oder der Konferenz FEMALE FUTURE FORCE DAY auch offline.

#Germany #Publishing #Best-Practice


Permenti offers programs for integration into the labor market and makes the professional potential of the immigrant women visible to business, politics and the public.

Permenti bietet Programme an zur Integration in den Arbeitsmarkt und macht die beruflichen Potenziale der zugewanderten Frauen werden für Wirtschaft, Politik und Öffentlichkeit sichtbar.

#Mentoring #Germany #Integration #Economy

Competentia NRW

The competence centers women and work are part of the state initiative „Women and Economy“ of the Ministry for Homeland, Local Affairs, Building and Equal Opportunities of North Rhine-Westphalia.

Die Kompetenzzentren Frau und Beruf sind Teil der Landesinitiative „Frau und Wirtschaft“ des Ministeriums für Heimat, Kommunales, Bau und Gleichstellung des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen.

#Network #Germany


Sheconomy sees itself as a platform that brings impressive women in front of the curtain.

Sheconomy versteht sich als Plattform, die beeindruckende Frauen vor den Vorhang holt.

#Network #Economy #Austria #Magazine


A video format on diversity at the workplace.

Ein Videoformat zur Vielfaltsgesellschaft am Arbeitsplatz

#Diversity #Best-Practice #SocialMedia

MentorMe (kostenpflichtig)

Mentor me is the largest independent mentoring network for women and a social NGO.

Mentor me ist das größte unabhängige Mentoringnetzwerk für Frauen und eine soziale NGO.

#Network #Mentoring

Net Works

“Net Works – Pitch for a Social Network Sphere” is an online exhibition and space for open debates about our global network society from a historical, socio-political, and queer-feminist perspective in collaboration with artists, networks, and community leaders based in Europe.

#Network #EU

Fair Share of Women Leaders

FAIR SHARE of Women Leaders e.V. is a non-profit association that is registered in Germany and operates worldwide. We are still a very young organization and our structures are being set up.

We aim to test and showcase new forms of governance that reflect feminist values and principles, and overcome some of the pitfalls of power imbalance, hierarchy and the bureaucracy of “traditional governance” mechanisms.

A key element of our organizational structure is a distinction between control and support mechanisms, with the roles being clearly separated between bodies that ensure proper operation in accordance with the legal framework in Germany and bodies that promote and represent the program and the vision of FAIR SHARE. Different skills are required in these roles, and we want to incorporate as much as possible the growing network that is developing around FAIR SHARE.

We call on all social impact organisations to achieve a FAIR SHARE of women leaders by 2030

#social #FemaleLeadership #initiative

The Women’s Room

A website dedicated to sourcing media-friendly female experts. Our other aim in setting up The Women’s Room is to provide women with a collective voice; to this end we have our database sortable by region as well as area of expertise and a forum. We hope that this regional sorting will not only enable local media to find local female experts, but that women will be able to get together and form local networking groups.

#Best-Practice #UK #Representation

Euro-Mediterranean-Arab Association

The EMA is a regional association for German businesspeople and entrepreneurs engaged in fostering cooperation and international understanding between Germany, Europe, and the Mediterranean and Middle East region. It connects economic, political, and academic decision makers and multipliers from a variety of countries and sectors. This makes the EMA an excellent platform for mutual exchange that has proven to be an independent and reliable interlocutor for the region. Together with its partners, the EMA stands for corporate social responsibility (CSR), the advancement of women, and economic development cooperation

EMA initiates the German-Arab Mentoring Program Ouissal: https://ouissal.org/pages/en/the-program.php
#CulturalExchange #Mentoring

Working Moms

Working Moms e.V. is a network of committed working mothers. The Working Moms  represent women who can – of course – have both: children and a career.

Working Moms e.V. ist ein Netzwerk engagiert berufstätiger Mütter. Die Working Moms stehen dafür, dass Frauen selbstverständlich beides haben können – Kinder und Karriere.

#Network #Germany #Parenting


United Nations Global Solidarity Movement For Gender Equality

#UN #Initiative #Best-Practice

JUMP European Music Market Accelerator /MaMA

JUMP a growing European network of eight Festivals and Conventions across Europe. The partnership covers all the different regions with conventions based in Czech Republic, England, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Portugal and Scotland. Together, we are reaching more than 200 000 music industry professionals. We gather all the actors of the music industry in one place: artists, agents, bookers, experts, journalists, managers, pluggers, promoters, technicians, tour managers, service providers etc. Each partner needs a sound overview of the music industry in its country and beyond in order to put together these events and set the programme of the conventions.

#Portugal #Czech Republic #England #Greece #Germany #Italy #Scotland #Musik #Voices of Culture

Male Feminists Europe: European male feminists united for gender equality

We believe that there is only one solution to all equality issues: if women and men join forces and stand up for equal rights. We also believe that there are a lot of men out there who aren’t yet aware of their responsibility or who can’t find access to male entities for supporting feminism. We want to show that there are those men and that there are not just a few. We want to make them visible and create a ramp towards a togetherness of the genders. We believe in the power of information, debate, exchange of ideas and the need to do this on a European level.

#International #Best-Practice #Germany #Denmark

Financial services designed for women, by women

The Cyprus Women’s Cooperative Bank Ltd. (WCB), one of the first co-operative banks created by women in the world, started its activities in January 2001 in Larnaca. At that time, some 350 business-minded women in Cyprus founded the WCB, a non-profit lending institution focused on supporting women’s entrepreneurial activities. The bank’s aim is to boost women’s entrepreneurship by providing specialised programmes and easy access to finance.

#Cyprus #Entrepreneurship #Best-Practice #eige

Dobbantó – Women entrepreneurs’ competence development

The Dobbantó – Women entrepreneurs’ competence development programme is an intensive course for women intending to start a business or already running one. It was launched in 2004 and uses a combination of methods – training, advice, peer support and networking – to help women start their own businesses. It lasts for 90 hours spread over six weeks, and is accredited.

#Hungary  #Entrepreneurship #Best-Practice #eige

EU Level: Institutions

European Audiovisual Observatory

The European Audiovisual Observatory is part of the Council of Europe in Strasbourg, France. It is a public service organisation. The Observatory was created in 1992 in order to collect and distribute information about the audiovisual industries in Europe. By making this information available, the Observatory aims at promoting greater transparency and a clearer understanding of the ways in which the audiovisual industries in Europe function, both from an economic and legal point of view.

#International #Film

Eurimages and gender equality

Since 2012, Eurimages has been considering the issue of gender equality in the film industry.

A Gender Equality Working Group composed of representatives from a number of members states has been set up and meets quarterly, with the aim of:

  • studying the current situation of the presence of women in the cinema sector at national and international level in co-operation with other national and international bodies;
  • analysing the current situation of Eurimages with regards to gender equality in the selection of projects;
  • collecting information on the “gender of the project” and on the content of the script (Bechdel test) for the applications submitted to Eurimages.

#CouncilofEurope #Film

European Women’s Lobby (EWL) | Europäische Frauenlobby (EFL) | Lobby Européen des Femmes (LEF)

The European Women’s Lobby (EWL) is the largest umbrella organisation of women’s organisations in the European Union, gathering over 2000 women’s associations. The EWL has members in 32 European Countries as well as 19 European wide members. The EWL campaigns for a feminist Europe, which promotes women’s rights and equality between women and men in the European Union. In 1990, the European Commission granted its support for the foundation of the European Women’s Lobby, with a Secretariat based Brussels.

#EU #Lobby

European Institute for Gender Equality

EIGE collects, analyses, processes and disseminates data and information on gender equality issues, whilst at the same time making them comparable, reliable and relevant for the users. As an autonomous body, EIGE operates within the framework of European Union policies and initiatives. The European Parliament and the Council of the European Union defined the grounds for the Institute’s objectives and tasks in its Founding Regulation and assigned it the central role of addressing the challenges of and promoting equality between women and men across the European Union.


Reports and Studies

Deutscher Kulturrat: Frauen in Kultur und Medien

Hertie School (Prof. Anheier): Frauen in Kultur und Medien: Ein Europäischer Vergleich

European Expert Network on Culture and Audiovisual (EENCA): Gender gaps in the Cultural and Creative Sectors

Voices of Culture: Brainstorming Report: Gender Balance in the Cultural and Creative Sectors

BMFSFJ: Seximus im Alltag. Wahrnehmungen und Haltungen der deutschen Bevölkerung

Sozialwissenschaftliche bevölkerungsrepräsentative Untersuchung im Auftrag des Bundesministeriums für Familie, Senioren, Frauen und Jugend


Goldsmiths, University of London: Rethinking ‚Diversity‘ in Publishing

Grundlage für die Studie „Rethinking ‚Diversity‘ in Publishing“ von Dr. Anamik Saha und Dr. Sandra van Lente (Goldsmiths, University of London) sind über 100 qualitative Interviews mit Buchmarktakteur*innen im UK. Zentrales Ergebnis: Die Konzentration auf ein weißes Mittelschicht-Publikum sowie die fehlende Wertschätzung für Schwarze, British Asian oder working-class Lesende haben einen nachteiligen Einfluss auf die Akquise, Bewerbung und den Verkauf von Büchern von BIPoC Autor*innen.

Der Bericht macht weitreichende Verbesserungsvorschläge und ruft Verlage, Agenturen und Buchhandlungen dazu auf, neu über Diversität nachzudenken sowie ihre Praktiken und Voreingenommenheiten zu reflektieren und zu verändern.

#diversity #publishing #UK

„Fair Culture – a Key to Sustainable Development” by Prof. Dr. Véronique Guèvremont,

Hamburg Media School: Studie zur Computer- und Videospielindustrie in Deutschland (2017)

Die „Die Computer- und Videospielindustrie in Deutschland“ als erste deutschlandweite Branchenstudie beleuchtet die Games-Industrie hinsichtlich ihrer kulturellen und historischen Entwicklung, ihrer Marktstruktur, ihrer wirtschaftlichen Lage sowie ihrer Bedeutung für Arbeit, Beschäftigung und Ausbildung mit Primärdaten auf Basis einer Vollerhebung für Deutschland.

#games #germany

Christian Ahrens: Der lange Weg von Musikerinnen in die Berufsorchester, 1807–2018.

Strategy plan: A Culture Strategy for Scotland shows how important culture is to Scotland’s prosperity and sets the future direction for supporting culture in Scotland.

Social Observatory of “la Caixa”: Cultural participation and wellbeing. What do the data tell us?

Culture plays an important role in constructing and consolidating the bases for social cohesion and inclusion and for individual and collective wellbeing. The fourth issue of the Dossier from the Social Observatory of „la Caixa“ analyses the factors that determine the cultural participation of citizens and reflects on how to guarantee equal conditions for such participation.


Reports on women in arts and media: Screen Australia is a Federal Government agency charged with supporting Australian screen development, production and promotion.


  • Caroline Criado-Perez, Invisible Women: Exposing Data Bias in a World Designed for Men | Sachbuchpreis 2020
  • Christian Ahrens, Der lange Weg von Musikerinnen in Berufsorchester 1807–2018 (Online-Schriftenreihe des Sophie Drincker Instituts I, ed. by Volker Timmermann; 2019) [https://www.sophie-drinker-institut.de/files/Sammel-Ordner/Online-Schriftenreihe/Der%20lange%20Weg%20von%20Musikerinnen%20in%20die%20Berufsorchester%201.4.pdf]
  • Sven Scherz-Schade, Noch immer ungleich. Frauen im Orchester unter dem gesichtspunkt der Gendergerechtigkeit, in: Das Orchester, October, 2020, pp. 6–
  • William Osborne, Art Is Just An Excuse. Gender Bias in International Orchestras, in: Journal if the IAWM [International Alliance for Women Musicians], October 1996, pp.6–14 [Online version: http://www.osborne-conant.org/excuse.htm; access: November 20, 2020]
  • Claudia Goldin, Cecilia Rouse, Orchestrating Impartiality: The Impact of „Blind“ Auditions on Female Musicians, in: The American Economic Review, No. 90,4, September 2000, pp. 7156–741 [Online version: https://pubs.aeaweb.org/doi/pdfplus/10.1257/aer.90.4.715; access: November 20, 2020]
  • Suby Raman, 13 graphs that show the alarming gender inequality in US orchestras today, in: The Wolrd’s Greatest Muic. Classig fM, 2014 [Online version: https://www.classicfm.com/discover-music/latest/gender-inequality-american-orchestras/; Access: November 16, 2020]
  • Oliver Staley, Amanda Shendruk, Here’s what the stark gender disparity among top orchestra musicians looks like, in: Quartz at Work, Octiber 20, 2018 [Online version: https://qz.com/work/1393078/orchestras/; Access: November 20, 2020]
  • Desmond Charles Sergeant, Evangelos Himonides, Orchestrated Sex: The Representation of Male and Female Musicians in World-Class Symphony Orchestras, in: Frontiers in Psychology, August 16, 2019 [Onlineversion: https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fpsyg.2019.01760/full; access: November 20, 2020]
  • Farah Nayeri, When an Orchestra Was No Place for a Woman. Change has come slowly for the Vienna Philharmonic, but there has been progress, in: The New York Times, December 23, 2019 [Onlineversion: https://www.nytimes.com/2019/12/23/arts/music/women-vienna-philharmonic.htmlt; access: November 20, 2020] The photo shows only part of the members of the Vienna Philharmonic: 70 men and 10 women (14.3%). The total number of members in 2019 was 145, including 15 women (10.3%).


The MaLisa Foundation

The MaLisa Foundation was established in 2016 by Maria and Elisabeth Furtwängler. Its aim is to create a free, equal society. On an international level, it campaigns to end violence against women and girls. In Germany, it also focuses on promoting social diversity and overcoming restrictive role models.          

The MaLisa Foundation is the next step in Maria and Elisabeth Furtwängler’s mission to empower women and young girls, by overcoming gender-based discrimination in Germany.  The first projects undertaken by the MaLisa Foundation focus on the representation of women and men in the media.

#Germany #Media

filia. die frauenstiftung

filia. Frauenstiftung is Germany’s largest feminist foundation. It promotes projects and initiatives by and for women* who are committed to structural change and a fairer society in which women* have decisive contributions, especially in Central Eastern Europe, Germany and the global south. filia is a member of the worldwide PROSPERA international network of women’s fund.

filia. frauenstiftung ist Deutschlands größte feministische Stiftung. Sie fördert vor allem in Mittelosteuropa, in Deutschland und im globalen Süden Projekte und Initiativen von und für Frauen*, die sich für strukturellen Wandel und eine gerechtere Gesellschaft einsetzen, in der Frauen* Entscheidendes beizutragen haben. filia ist Mitglied im weltweiten Netzwerk PROSPERA international network of women´s fund.

#Germany #filia #empowerment #foundation